Spillage of 100 000 blue whiting a ‘drop in the ocean’ in comparison to routine overfishing by Coastal States, says global supply chain collective. The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group […]
Blue whiting season gradually winds down. As expected, there was a modest quantity of blue whiting caught by the Norwegian fleet, with 12,000 tonnes in the record, reports pelagic organisation, […]
Excellent blue whiting fishing for Norwegian fleet By Kenneth Garvik Norwegian pelagic sales group, Norges Sildesalgslag, reports that there has been fantastic blue whiting fishing in the west, and mixed […]
Atlantic High Fishing Company clarifies blue whiting incident. In a statement, The Atlantic High Sea Fishing Company, owner of the Margiris vessel, and a member of the Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association […]
Deep-sea mesopelagic fish offer health benefits. Researchers at Nofima, in collaboration with other European research institutions in Ireland and Spain, have made new discoveries in the exploration of deep-sea fish. The […]
Good week of fish landings at Peterhead Peterhead fish market enjoyed buoyant whitefish landings for the week ending 5 April, with in excess of 20,000 boxes of premium quality fish […]
Good start to year for Norwegian pelagic fleet. Both smaller and larger Norwegian boats were active on Atlanto-Scandian herring in the north in the first week of the year. Total […]
Killybegs to benefit from significant €50m seafood sector investment. Two Killybegs fish processors land €12.1 million in funding under the Brexit Process Capital Support Scheme, implemented by BIM Killybegs in […]
North wind inhibits herring fishing for Norwegian fleet. A northerly wind has inhibited herring fishing for the Norwegian fleet, although conditions have been better for blue whiting and coastal market, […]
Big improvement in Bakkafrost Scottish salmon operation. The Bakkafrost Group delivered a total operating EBIT of DKK 565 million (DKK 418 million) in Q1 2023 and made a profit of […]
New processing facility for Denholm Seafoods will deliver net benefits. Work has begun on a major new £30m mackerel and herring processing facility and cold-store upgrade for Denholm Seafoods in […]
Scottish haddock fishermen enjoy income protection and access to new European markets thanks to being certified to the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) Standard for sustainable seafood, according to new research. The […]
A Shetland pelagic fisherman has written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling for the UK to take action over Russian midwater freezer trawlers fishing for blue whiting in the UK’s […]
Bakkafrost pleased at performance of hatcheries The Bakkafrost Group delivered a total operating EBIT of DKK 407.5 million in Q2 2021. Total harvested volumes were 28.2 thousand tonnes gutted weight […]
The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) – a collective of 50 retailers and supply chain businesses working together to secure sustainable management of key pelagic stocks – starts the […]
Brim’s catches down slightly in 2020 but value rises. Brim’s Icelandic fishing fleet landed a total of 128,000 tonnes in 2020, which is 11,000 tonnes less than the 2019 total. […]
Sea angling contributes over £1.5bn to UK economy – New research led by Centre for Environment, fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) and Substance released has provided estimates of the numbers of sea anglers, participation […]
Excellent catches of North Sea herring by Norway. It has been a great week for the Norwegian North Sea herring fishery and another good week for the sandeel fishery, reports […]
Norwegian sandeel fishery still going strong. The sandeel fishery is still good, and a Faroe vessel delivered a record breaking catch this week with blue whiting, reports reports Norges […]
EU and Faroes reach 2020 quota deal. On December 10th, the European Union and the Faroe Islands have reached an agreement on reciprocal exchanges of fishing opportunities in each other’s […]