Norway North East Arctic cod certification status update. The objection process for the MSC Fisheries Standard certification of offshore stocks for North East Artic Cod has ended, the Marine Stewardship […]
Climate change may lead to shifts in vital Pacific Arctic fisheries. Commercially important marine fish and invertebrate species will likely shift northwards under a warmer climate. Marine fisheries are an […]
Climate change may lead to shifts in vital Pacific Arctic fisheries. Marine fisheries are an essential source of protein for a large part of the world’s population, as well as […]
Study explores impacts of ocean warming and acidification on Pacific cod As the climate changes, the ocean is simultaneously warming and acidifying. Both have been shown to adversely affect the […]
Marine heat waves trigger shift in hatch dates and early growth of Pacific cod. Marine heat waves appear to trigger earlier reproduction, high mortality in early life stages and fewer […]
Norwegian inshore cod and haddock MSC certification regained. Norwegian fisheries for inshore cod and haddock were certified to the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) globally recognised standard for sustainable fishing today. […]
Spirit of international cooperation put to the test at Antarctic Treaty Consultative meeting. An international Antarctic meeting in Helsinki ended last week with environmental organisations expressing frustration that the outcomes […]
Warmer water from the south, less cooling in the north and less ice. Together, they make life more difficult for Arctic marine species, says the Institute of Marine Research in […]
There is little or no price difference in the primary market for MSC-certified cod. This is shown in an analysis commissioned by the Norwegian Seafood Research Fund. “The loss of […]
Chefs want to serve up a good story with farmed cod. Chefs in Tromsø, Norway, have given the thumbs up to the quality and taste of farmed cod. However, they […]
Norway and the EU reached a political understanding in relation to the fisheries in the Northeast Arctic, in ICES subareas 1 and 2. The area concerned includes the waters around […]
Unexpected fish and squid found in the Central Arctic Ocean. Single individuals of Atlantic cod and squid occur much further north than previously expected. Scientists participating in the international MOSAiC […]
Behavioural adaptations that may help Antarctic fishes adapt to warming Southern Ocean. Scientists describe how Antarctic fishes with and without haemoglobin react to acute thermal stress. The responses may help […]
Food for seals and other Arctic predators is shrinking — literally Unchecked climate change may leave some Arctic predators surviving off of marine “junk food,” according to a new UBC study. […]
Norway cod and haddock certification status update. Inshore and offshore North East Arctic cod catch remains MSC certified until further notice and maximum 6 more months. Offshore North East Arctic […]
Norway cod and herring certification status. Inshore and offshore North East Arctic cod catch remains MSC certified until 3 May Offshore North East Arctic haddock has a new MSC certification […]
Aker BioMarine celebrates the launch of its new, state-of-the-art support vessel at the ceremony at CIMC Raffles’ Yantai yard, as the vessel is ready for commissioning and final outfitting, just […]