Aker QRILL Company Partners with Tersan Shipyard to Complete the Fourth State-of-the-Art Krill Fishing Vessel Aker QRILL Company, the global leader in krill harvesting and production of krill-based ingredients recently […]
Southern Ocean protection takes a step backwards as CCAMLR fails to put conservation first The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) 43rd annual meeting has closed. […]
New report warns Antarctica is approaching a climate change tipping point. Four marine protected areas would protect 26% of the Southern Ocean. Antarctica and its surrounding Southern Ocean are experiencing […]
Antarctic Peninsula at risk: Global leaders urged to designate marine protections and update krill fishery. The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) is urging governments at a key meeting happening this […]
Call for governments at key Antarctic meeting to protect Antarctica and its wildlife amid the escalating climate crisis. The 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) begins in Kochi, India, this week […]
International Summit releases urgent call to scale up action for planet’s ice regions. The One Planet- Polar Summit that brought together for the first time experts and leaders from over […]
Protest against Antarctic krill fishing. The Bob Brown Foundation held a protest calling for an end to krill fishing in Antarctica, at the recent Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic […]
Antarctic Ocean Conservation Body under pressure to live up to its name. Governments responsible for safeguarding Antarctic marine life will be meeting over the next two weeks at the annual […]
The Institute of Marine Research (Norway) has been monitoring the krill biomass since 2011, covering an area of 60,000 square kilometers in Antarctic waters to estimate abundance. The Norwegian Institute […]
Opportunity to break protection deadlock at key Antarctic ocean meeting. Environmental groups urge governments to agree to significantly increase the protection of Antarctica’s waters as key climate and biodiversity action […]
Youth for Antarctica: Kids rally in Helsinki for Greater Protection of Penguins and their Home On June 1st, to mark World Children’s Day, children, activists, and Antarctic experts will gather in […]
SPRFMO member states have unique opportunity to end destructive deep sea bottom trawling and commit to ocean protection. As the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) begins its 11th […]
Two countries ignore scale of biodiversity crisis by thwarting progress needed to protect Antarctica’s ocean. The international body responsible for safeguarding Antarctica’s waters finished its annual meeting with a mixed […]
Urgent call for governments to adopt Antarctic wildlife protection measures. NGOs call on governments attending the 41st annual meeting of the Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) […]
MPAS in Antarctica should include young emperor penguins, scientists say. Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and European research institutions are calling for better protections for juvenile emperor […]
New report by NGO criticises krill fishing. Investigation flags need for immediate action, according to a new report by Changing Markets Foundation. A new investigative report by the Changing Markets […]
Superheroes of the Southern Ocean, vital in fight against climate change. WWF is shining a light on these vital species on the first ever World Krill Day on August 11 […]