Fish stocks start to recover in the Western Mediterranean Sea. The European Commission has published a report on the implementation of the Western Mediterranean multi-annual management plan for demersal fish […]
Funding pledge for protection of Mediterranean Sea In a landmark move to safeguard the ecological integrity of the Mediterranean Sea, philanthropic organisations aim to contribute to the ambitious goal of […]
Mediterranean sea bass with olives, tomatoes and peppers. This dish is so tasty, great on its own but perfect with rice or baby new potatoes. Ingredients 1/2 lb (225 g) […]
Protecting 30% of the Mediterranean Sea will boost fish stocks – WWF. Protecting 30% of the Mediterranean Sea could give a massive boost to declining fish species and marine biodiversity, […]
Mediterranean and Black Sea Countries align on shared vision for sustainable aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Climate and economic resilience, governance, innovation, research, data collection and animal welfare […]
Countries unite to bolster efforts for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Last week, 20 countries and the European Union made significant strides towards enhancing the […]
EC proposes a first set of fishing opportunities for 2025 in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The European Commission has adopted its proposal for fishing opportunities for 2025 for the Mediterranean and […]
The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) is coordinating the fisheries control for bluefin tuna campaign in the framework of its Joint Deployment Plan (JDP) from the end of May until […]
The unique innovation and capacity building centre in La Rapita, Spain, brought by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean and the Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural, will […]
EU agrees fishing opportunities for Mediterranean and Black Sea. For the western Mediterranean, the Ministers agreed to continue the implementation of the EU multiannual management plan (MAP) for demersal stocks, adopted in […]
Overfishing in the Mediterranean and Black Sea falls to lowest level in a decade. New FAO-GFCM report also includes for the first time data on the region’s marine aquaculture sector. […]
New Mediterranean and Black Sea fishing gear catalogue: a milestone for fisheries management. The Mediterranean and the Black Sea are home to a very diverse fishing sector and host a […]
Overfishing falls in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, but fisheries resources remain under significant stress. New UN report highlights the need for stronger management measures. Overfishing in the Mediterranean and […]
EC proposes 2023 fishing opportunities for the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The European Commission has adopted its proposal for fishing opportunities for 2023 for the Mediterranean and the Black Seas. The […]
Restorative aquaculture: a way forward for sea urchins in the Mediterranean. The historic castles, churches and pastel-coloured port towns lining the shores of the small volcanic island of Procida in […]
Empowering young women for sustainable aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations […]
Green deal in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The European Commission completed its proposal for the 2022 fishing opportunities in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, adopted on 17 September 2021. […]
EC adopts new strategy for Mediterranean and Black Sea. The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) has adopted its new 2030 Strategy for the Mediterranean and Black Sea at the […]
Concrete steps taken against ghost nets in Mediterranean and Black Sea. While the international community zeroed in on the critical importance of the environment for our future at the COP26, […]
With temperatures going up 20% faster than the global average, and sea level rises expected to exceed one meter by 2100, the Mediterranean is becoming the fastest-warming and the saltiest […]