Climate change is overhauling marine nutrient cycles. Computer models reveal how human-driven climate change will dramatically overhaul critical nutrient cycles in the ocean. In the Proceedings of the National Academy of […]
Researchers explore carbon capture in fish farms to address climate change. Scientists are exploring a new model for carbon capture in low-oxygen aquatic environments, such as fisheries, that will help […]
Explorers launch ‘Superhero Climate Change’ resources for teachers. The Marine Institute’s Explorers Education Programme is thrilled to announce the launch of its innovative ‘Superhero Climate Change’ educational resources. This comprehensive suite […]
Climate change impacting freshwater fish species. Freshwater fish populations that dwell nearer the poles are outperforming their equatorial counterparts, researchers have found. Large-bodied migratory species such as Atlantic salmon are […]
Climate change compounding challenge of nations sharing mackerel and herring in North-East Atlantic. Fisheries lost MSC certification several years ago as quotas exceed scientifically advised limits. The impacts of climate […]
Climate change and UK fisheries, what next? In this analysis, Fish Focus looks at the impact of climate change on UK fisheries. Climate change and how it affects our environment […]
New research visualises how fishing communities can change fishing habits to adapt to climate change. In a massive research project spanning five years and stretching the length of the Northeast […]
New report warns Antarctica is approaching a climate change tipping point. Four marine protected areas would protect 26% of the Southern Ocean. Antarctica and its surrounding Southern Ocean are experiencing […]
Climate change may lead to shifts in vital Pacific Arctic fisheries. Commercially important marine fish and invertebrate species will likely shift northwards under a warmer climate. Marine fisheries are an […]
Climate change report highlights potential impacts for wild capture sourced seafood. Research aims to arm industry with the knowledge to adapt to anticipated threats and opportunities The future challenges for […]
Climate change may lead to shifts in vital Pacific Arctic fisheries. Marine fisheries are an essential source of protein for a large part of the world’s population, as well as […]
The small island developing States (SIDS)1 of Palau, Maldives, Fiji, Mauritius, Belize, and the Federated States of Micronesia, joined Singapore and Monaco today in calling for more ambitious action by […]
A new report published by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), supported by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and funded by the Department for Environment, Food […]
Herring arrives earlier in the Wadden Sea due to climate change. Due to the changing climate, young herring arrive in the Wadden Sea earlier and earlier in spring. That is […]
Impact of Climate Change on Marine Life Much Bigger Than Previously Known Fish and invertebrate animals are far more affected by warmer and more acidic seawater than was previously known. […]
Cod can adjust to climate change – provided temperatures don’t get too high The temperature a mother cod experiences affects how the offspring develop, according to research from the Institute […]
Diverse habitats help salmon weather unpredictable climate changes. Restored salmon habitat should resemble financial portfolios, offering fish diverse options for feeding and survival so that they can weather various conditions […]
Report shows all Irish inshore waters will be under pressure from climate change. Fair Seas research finds half of Irish waters are more resilient to effects of global warming A […]