Coral reefs in peril from record-breaking ocean heat. Record breaking marine heatwaves will cause devastating mass coral bleaching worldwide in the next few years, according to a marine heatwaves coral […]
Coral disease tripled in the last 25 years. Three-quarters will likely be diseased by next century. Deadly coral disease is spreading as global temperatures warm, and it’s likely to become […]
Fathoming the hidden heatwaves that threaten coral reefs. In April to May 2019, the coral reefs near the French Polynesian island of Moorea in the central South Pacific Ocean suffered […]
Heat resistant corals in western Pacific. Ocean warming is driving an increase in the frequency and severity of marine heatwaves, causing untold damage to coral reefs. Tropical corals, which live […]
Bleached coral reefs continue to supply nutritious seafood giving unexpected hope for millions. Researchers studying coral reefs damaged by rising sea temperatures have discovered an unexpected ‘bright spot’ of hope […]
Rising sea surface temperatures driving loss of 14% of corals since 2009. The newly released report, ‘Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2020’, documents the loss of approximately 14 per […]
Time running out to save coral reefs. New research on the growth rates of coral reefs shows there is still a window of opportunity to save the world’s coral reefs—but […]
Corals carefully organise proteins to form rock-hard skeletons. Charles Darwin, the British naturalist who championed the theory of evolution, noted that corals form far-reaching structures, largely made of limestone, that […]
Little relief in the deep for heat-stressed corals. A team of NOAA scientists recently examined more than a thousand hot water events on coral reefs across the Pacific Ocean. Combining […]
Fussy fish can have their coral – and eat it too. Being a fussy eater is a problem for reef fish who seek refuge from climate change on deeper reefs. […]
US report on new approaches to conserve coral reefs. A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) commissioned report from the National Academies has provided expert advice on novel approaches to […]
Ocean warmth in Fiji at highest for past 653 years The ocean warmth in the Fijian archipelago is at its highest for the past 653 years, according to a ground-breaking […]
Some deeper areas of the Great Barrier Reef are insulated from harmful heatwaves but that protection will be lost if global warming continues, according to research by The University of […]