Fish landings in Scotland in December 2024. A note by Tony Mackay, Economist. 1. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have just published their monthly fish landings statistics for the […]
Fish landings in Scotland in November 2024. A note by Tony Mackay, Economist. 1. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have just published their monthly fish landings statistics for the […]
Fish landings in Scotland in October 2024. A note by Tony Mackay, Economist. 1. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have just published their monthly fish landings statistics for the […]
Fish landings in Scotland in September 2024. A note by Tony Mackay, Economist 1. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have just published their monthly fish landings statistics for the […]
August 2024 fish landings in Scotland. By Tony Mackay, Economist The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have just published their monthly fish landings statistics for the UK for August 2024. […]
Fishmeal production soars. In the countries analysed by the marine ingredients organisation, IFFO, it reports* the overall production of fishmeal between January and June 2024 was up by 40%, while […]
Fish landings in Scotland in July 2024. A note by Tony Mackay, Economist. 1. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have just published their monthly fish landings statistics for the […]
Scottish economic link boosts local landings. The Scottish Government has strengthened the economic link licence condition so that it delivers more benefits to Scotland and its fisheries-dependent areas. The licence […]
EU fisheries remained ahead of aquaculture in 2022 In 2022, the EU’s aquatic animal production stood at 4.2 million tonnes, with landings of fisheries contributing to an estimated 3.1 million tonnes and aquaculture reaching […]
Fish landings in Scotland in June 2024. A note by Tony Mackay, Economist 1. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have just published their monthly fish landings statistics for the […]
Fish landings in Scotland in May 2024. A note by Tony Mackay, Economist The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have just published their monthly fish landings statistics for the UK […]
Fish landings in Scotland in April 2024. A note by Tony Mackay, Economist 1. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have just published their monthly fish landings statistics for the […]
Fish landings in Scotland in March 2024. A note by Tony Mackay, Economist 1. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have just published their monthly fish landings statistics for the UK […]
Fish landings in Scotland in January 2024. A note by Tony Mackay, Economist 1. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have just published their monthly fish landings statistics for the UK […]
Fishmeal production falls in 2023. IFFO (the marine ingredients organisation) preliminary estimate of the overall cumulative fishmeal production for the countries analysed in its reports is at around 1.738 million […]
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2022. A National Statistics publication that provides detailed information on the tonnage and value of landings, fishing vessel characteristics and employment. Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2022 […]
European Parliament approves new fisheries agreement with Mauritius. The European Parliament gave its consent to the 2022-2026 deal between the EU and Mauritius, which will increase the amount of fish […]