SFPA Issues a New Food Safety Fisheries Information Notice on the Management of Norovirus for Shellfish Producers SFPA & FSAI Host Annual Food Safety Workshops The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) […]
New Zealand Food Safety lifts shellfish biotoxin warning for east coast of North Island, warning for rock lobster remains in place. New Zealand Food Safety (NZFS) has lifted the public […]
SFPA Emphasise Seafood Safety, Shellfish Safety & Trade Verification Role As Well As Sea-Fisheries Control Mandate In 2022 Annual Report 45,031 Fish Landings, 1,903 Fishing Vessel Inspections, 87 Casefiles opened. […]
NZ funding for eel food safety monitoring project. The Whakakī Lake community near Wairoa in New Zealand treasure their eel population. However, a deterioration in lake health has resulted in […]
Digitise your food safety records with SFBB+ through the NFFF. A new partnership between SFBB+ and the National Federation of Fish Friers means that now is a great time to […]
Russian Fishery Company food safety certification. Russian Fishery Company (RFC) has successfully passed certification for compliance of the food safety management system at the trawler ‘Ivan Kalinin’ with the requirements […]
Safety a top concern for Japanese seafood consumers. The Global Seafood Alliance (GSA) recently conducted a survey of 3,000 seafood consumers in Japan to better understand purchasing decisions and awareness […]
Seafood companies join forces calling for more effective safety initiatives. Fishing is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world and improving fisher safety is of critical importance to […]
Seafood Cornwall Training survey on fishing safety. Seafood Cornwall Training (SCT) conducted a recent survey on fishing safety in a bid to find out what fishers and their families think […]
Novel quantitative method to assess the safety of food. Scientists from Korea develop an effective yet simple strategy to quantify histamine levels in fish samples. Histamine is a dangerous compound […]
Tackling a major cause of food contamination: Upgrading sanitary drain systems without disrupting production. By: Viking Kristjansson, Vice President of Sales Engineering, FoodSafe Drains. In recent years, the food and […]
How do marine food webs respond to increasing alkalinity? To mitigate climate change, human-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions must be reduced as quickly and drastically as possible. Additionally, some of […]