Atlanto Scandian herring season for Scottish fleet gets underway. The Atlanto Scandian herring season for the Scottish fleet is now underway, with the quota this year marginally up by three per […]
Poppy seed herring. This is such a fragrant dish; use the marinade and crunchy topping on sardines or mackerel. Recipe courtesy Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking […]
Eating Scottish caught herring and mackerel could help health and climate. Scientists who have calculated the UK’s “lost” nutrients from fish exports for the first time are calling for a […]
Climate change compounding challenge of nations sharing mackerel and herring in North-East Atlantic. Fisheries lost MSC certification several years ago as quotas exceed scientifically advised limits. The impacts of climate […]
Outcome of Coastal States consultations on mackerel, blue whiting and Atlanto-Scandian herring. Consultations between the Coastal States and Fishing Parties in the North-East Atlantic: the UK, EU, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe […]
Major mussel, herring and white fish fisheries awarded grants for MSC re-certification. Three British fisheries have been awarded a major boost to renew their Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification. Shetland […]
Herring with gooseberries and savoy cabbage. Herring, gooseberries and cabbage – an interesting combination! A new dish in the “Herring re:invented” series by René Stein, featuring unusual flavours that allow the […]
Herring with apple and brown butter. Tart apples and a smooth brown butter sauce is perfect for herring. A new dish in the “Herring re:invented” series by René Stein, featuring unusual […]
Clyde herring TAC recommendation made. The Clyde herring fishery has been recommended for a 583 tonnes TAC, which is a rollover from the 2023 catch advice. A statement from the […]
Herring in bao buns with sweet chili sauce. Airy, delicious bao buns with spicy herring, featuring unusual flavours that allow the herring to shine in a whole new light. Recipe courtesy […]
Herring arrives earlier in the Wadden Sea due to climate change. Due to the changing climate, young herring arrive in the Wadden Sea earlier and earlier in spring. That is […]
Scientist becomes first Admiral of Manx herring fleet in 30 years. A distinguished marine scientist has been appointed ‘Admiral of the Manx Herring Fleet’ at a ceremony in Douglas. The […]
Herring collapse on the horizon without urgent action. New research by the North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) has revealed that Atlanto-Scandian herring in the Northeast Atlantic could face a […]
Norway sets 65.6% share of Atlanto Scandian herring quota for 2024 In the coastal state negotiations on Norwegian spring-spawning herring (nvg herring or Atlanto Scandian herring) earlier this autumn, the […]
Herring success leads to optimism for Manx fishing industry Isle of Man fishermen have successfully caught the allocated 100-tonne quota of herring in Manx waters within weeks of receiving Government […]
Agreement on mackerel, blue whiting and Atlanto-Scandian herring TACs for 2024. The delegations of the European Union, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Norway and the United Kingdom reached an agreement […]
Landmark herring catches for Isle of Man fishermen. Isle of Man fishermen have started to catch herring in Manx waters thanks to new UK quotas that could enable a commercially […]
Atlanto-Scandian herring stock driven to critical levels as catches face steep cut of 44%, as pelagics stock advice released. Governments are sleepwalking into a potential repeat of the 1960s herring […]