Smart cuisine may be solution to marine invasive species. Invasive species come in different shapes and sizes and can cause an impact in global biodiversity and in ecosystem function worldwide. […]
Using drone footage to map invasive species: managing the expansion of wild Pacific oysters. A new study led by PML scientists has, for the first time, explored the use of […]
New technology to help identify invasive species. New tech already helping to identify highly invasive species in UK waters. The National Fisheries Laboratory has seen crucial developments on how species […]
Fixin’ to be flexitarian: Scrap fish and invasive species can liven up vegetables. Most of us have a tough time eating enough veggies. According to the World Economic Forum only […]
Canada moves to fight aquatic invasive species. Aquatic invasive species pose a serious threat to Canada’s waters, economy and society. When species are introduced to areas outside their native environment, […]
Canadian pilot project to control aquatic invasive species. This summer, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) collaborated with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) on a pilot project to inspect and […]
Beware of aliens! Take action to tackle rise of invasive species. Invasive alien plants and animals threaten other wildlife and cost Europe’s economy over €12bn a year By taking key actions, […]
Invasive species app for Irish fish farmers. A new smartphone app to help the aquaculture sector in Ireland identify invasive alien species is being trialled for the first time in […]
Invasive marine species found in Isle of Man. An invasive non-native (INNS) worm species has been discovered on two boats in Ramsey after they were removed from the water for […]
Scotland takes action on invasive marine species. Invasive non-native species (INNS) are plants and animals that have been introduced by humans, either deliberately or accidentally, from an area outside of […]
NZ invests in research on invasive marine species. The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is investing in research to advance treatment options for invasive marine pests and support growth of […]
New study reveals predators of invasive Med fish species A landmark scientific study involving marine biologists from Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Libya, Italy, Tunisia, the UK, the US and Malta, documenting […]
Invasive pike use marine corridors to colonise new Alaska territory. Northern pike are moving through salt water to invade freshwater habitats in Southcentral Alaska, according to a new study. Researchers […]
Tagging marine animals with sensors to track and study their movements can provide researchers with important environmental and behavioural information, including energy usage, habitat changes, and migration patterns. But existing […]
Range extension of invasive crabs in North-West Iceland A study conducted by Jón T. Magnússon, Stephen J. Hawkins, Lilja Gunnarsdóttir, Jörundur Svavarsson and Karl Gunnarsson, published in Journal of the Marine Biological […]
Canadian measures to prevent establishment of invasive mussels. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is committed to preventing the introduction, establishment, and spread of aquatic invasive species, including Zebra and Quagga […]
New biosecurity rules in New Zealand to prevent spread of invasive seaweed. New biosecurity rules to prevent the spread of exotic Caulerpa seaweed will make it illegal to fish or anchor a […]
Invasive rats transform reef fish behaviour. Scientists have discovered for the first time that invasive rats on tropical islands are affecting the territorial behaviour of fish on surrounding coral reefs. […]
Invasive European shore crabs found in Alaska. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), with the Metlakatla Indian Community (MIC) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) says that […]
Invasive blue crab provides fishing opportunity. Like many alien invasive species, Blue Crab came to the European waters by accident. It was transported from its distant home in the American […]