Eels tagged in bid to understand their river movements and migration. The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust’s (GWCT) fisheries team have begun a new project to catch and tag eels […]
Danish fury over UK sandeel fishing ban. Danish fishermen are furious that they will be denied access to UK waters to fish for sandeels, following the design of both the […]
No sandeel fishing for 2023 in effort to protect marine ecosystem. UK fishermen will not be permitted to catch or swap any of the UK’s 5,773 tonnes of North Sea […]
This year’s Norwegian sandeel fisheryhas now been open for well over a week, reports pelagic organisation, Norges Sildesalgslag, and a total of 4,700 tonnes have been caught. There are 14 Norwegian […]
European eels have magnetic memory. A new study led by researchers at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and at the Institute of Marine […]
Advice over long-term consequences of CO2 storage on Danish continental shelf. The sand eels in the area are particularly vulnerable to leaks and changes in the environment. The Institute of […]
British shellfish and seaweed farms could provide valuable habitats for coastal fish species, according to new research. Shellfish and seaweed farming offer potentially sustainable food sources and are increasingly recognised […]
The public are being encouraged to eat more wild fish, such as mackerel, anchovies and herring, which are often used within farmed salmon feeds. These oily fish contain essential nutrients […]
One year into fisheries management measures for English offshore MPAs On 13 June 2022, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) introduced new byelaws to protect four offshore marine protected areas (MPAs) […]
Artificial reefs to help boost Baltic fisheries. Much to the fishers’ dismay, cod populations in the Baltic Sea have been decreasing since the 1990s. The reasons are many, including habitat […]
Tackling the nature and climate crises is the biggest business opportunity this century, say industry leaders. Business leaders urge firms to seize the opportunities that tackling the nature and climate […]
350PPM Biotech achieves breakthrough for marine conservation with first product. Marinin® replaces controversial ingredients in aquaculture feeds. Biotechnology company 350PPM Biotech GmbH announced yesterday (February 6), that its first product, […]
MMO launches consultation on MPAs. Marine Management Organisation launches consultation on four of England’s Marine Protected Areas. The next phase in the Government’s ambitious plans for a ‘Blue Belt’ of […]
MMO consults on more protection for English seas. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has launched a call for evidence, seeking views on proposals to better safeguard marine habitats. The call for […]
Call for evidence launches on proposals to better safeguard marine habitats. Key offshore habitats such as Dogger Bank could benefit from enhanced protections England’s seas and marine wildlife could benefit […]
New study highlights benefits of fish oils Norwegian scientists at Nofima have now found that a mixture of a Norwegian plant oil and fish oil from the North-Atlantic can stimulate […]
Climate change and UK fisheries, what next? In this analysis, Fish Focus looks at the impact of climate change on UK fisheries. Climate change and how it affects our environment […]
Sharks and mermaids of all shapes and sizes have appeared on beaches in Dublin, Donegal, Galway, and Waterford over the last couple of weeks, as part of the Marine Institute’s […]
Statement from Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association, on sandeel ban. Ian Gatt, chief executive of the Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association, said: “This is a political decision, driven by unrelenting NGO pressure. […]
Outer Hebrides creel limitation pilot: research and evaluation. The findings of a survey have been released on the operational implications and socio-economic impacts of the Outer Hebrides Creel Limitation Pilot […]