Give your health a boost with the nutrient rich thornback ray. Seafish and north-west of England seafood industry team up to encourage rest of the UK to put catch back on […]
Marine Institute scientists contribute to landmark global shark research publication. Marine Institute scientists have made significant contributions to a major new publication on shark conservation, underscoring Ireland’s pivotal role in […]
New study finds overfishing has halved shark and ray populations since 1970, causing widespread erosion of ecological function and exceptionally high extinction risk. A new analysis published in the journal […]
Inspiring Rays Project to connect communities with marine life. As part of the ambitious Horizons project, funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, Plymouth Sound National Marine Park has launched the […]
Shark tagging and tracking in Irish waters features on RTÉ’s 10 Things to Know About. The Marine Institute will feature in the upcoming RTÉ series 10 Things to Know About which returns […]
Report shows distribution of Scotland’s threatened sharks, rays and skates. New scientific research explores how sharks, skates and rays are distributed around Scotland’s coasts, with the results to be used […]
Survey of demersal fisheries in Celtic Sea and Western Channel Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has launched an online survey to seek views on future management of demersal fisheries in Celtic […]
Fishery in England sought to take part in new bycatch mitigation trial. The Clean Catch programme is seeking an English fishery to get involved in a new bycatch monitoring and […]
Sharks and mermaids of all shapes and sizes have appeared on beaches in Dublin, Donegal, Galway, and Waterford over the last couple of weeks, as part of the Marine Institute’s […]
Fair Seas Welcomes Irelands Eighth National Park. The first Marine National Park is located in an area previously identified by the environmental coalition as an area of interest for Marine […]
The Explorers are loving sharks… skates and rays over Valentines. The Marine Institute Explorers Education Programme team are delighted to deliver the new primary school class projects with schools: Fin-tastic […]
Fishermen challenge the idea of a biodiversity crisis in Scotland’s seas. Fishermen in Shetland say that the extent of biodiversity loss in the country’s seas has been greatly exaggerated in […]
Protection and preservation of marine biodiversity on show at Expo. The Marine Institute will be exhibiting at the Irish Skipper Expo on the 24th and 25th February 2023 at the […]
Study explores link between shark nose shape, size and sensitivity of smell. Researchers first to quantify olfactory organ morphology in fine detail. Sharks have reputations as “super smellers” that use […]
Studying the critically endangered blue skate. Our understanding of the distribution, behaviour and biology of the critically endangered blue skate has been greatly increased by recently published research. Working with Nord University, […]
LED illuminated nets reduce bycatch of sharks and skates. In a win-win for commercial fisheries and marine wildlife, researchers have found that using lighted nets greatly reduced accidental bycatch of […]