Protecting vulnerable marine ecosystems in deep-sea waters. ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) releases advice on areas where vulnerable marine ecosystems are known to occur or are […]
Bottom contact fishing activities persist on vulnerable ecosystems of the deep despite EU closures, new study finds. In 2016 the EU adopted the Deep-Sea Access Regulation*, and upon entry into […]
Deep-sea ecosystems facing ongoing destruction, a s global community commits to biodiversity protection in Cali, Colombia. The latest CBD Conference of the Parties (COP16) in Cali, Colombia, marks twenty years […]
Towards healthy ecosystems: the GFCM’s multifaceted approach to mitigating interactions between fisheries and vulnerable species. The Mediterranean and Black Sea region, despite its susceptibility to climate change and other impacts, […]
European Commission must change the way it protects vulnerable marine areas. Scientists highlighted issues with data integration, proportionality, unequal treatment of fleets and a lack of socio-economic analysis. EBFA called […]
Scotland assesses the social impacts of inshore Marine Protected Areas. Scotland has some of the most diverse marine ecosystems in the world, says an article on the Scottish Government website. […]
No sandeel fishing for 2023 in effort to protect marine ecosystem. UK fishermen will not be permitted to catch or swap any of the UK’s 5,773 tonnes of North Sea […]
Australian fisheries receive MSC cash boost to protect marine biodiversity. Tagging skate to monitor their survival rates and a specialist knowledge exchange between Australian and British fishers are amongst the […]
Door open to destruction of 30% of deep sea marine life after South Pacific Fisheries Management Organisation meeting. The South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) has given the green […]
Protection and preservation of marine biodiversity on show at Expo. The Marine Institute will be exhibiting at the Irish Skipper Expo on the 24th and 25th February 2023 at the […]
Warming oceans have decimated marine parasites — but that’s not a good thing. More than a century of preserved fish specimens offer a rare glimpse into long-term trends in parasite […]
Plainsight and MarineSitu collaborate on sustainability Plainsight, the leader in proven vision AI, has announced its collaboration with MarineSitu, a provider of state-of-the-art marine hardware and software, to create innovative vision […]
Volunteers from the Pitcairn Islands have showcased the incredible biodiversity thriving in their vast and remote waters thanks to a UK marine protection scheme. Commercial fishing, drilling and other extractive […]
Failure to protect most vulnerable fish stocks again at annual EU Fisheries Ministers all-nighter. EU fisheries ministers fail to adequately protect critically endangered European eel and other vulnerable fish species […]
End to bottom fishing on protected deep-sea ecosystems in EU waters In line with the ambition to protect nature and restore biodiversity, as stated in the EU Biodiversity Strategy, the Commission has acted […]
EU protects 16,000 KM² of vulnerable deep-sea life. Virginijus Sinkevičius, the European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, has announced the closure of over 16,000 square kilometres of the […]
United Nations urged to take critical action to protect marine life from industrial deep sea bottom trawl fishing. This week, from August 2-3, in New York, a United Nations workshop […]
Civil society urges immediate action to protect fragile deep-sea ecosystems. Six years after the adoption of the EU deep-sea fishing Regulation that prohibited bottom trawling below 800 meters in EU […]
The Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture voted on the European Commission’s proposal to close vulnerable areas to fishing gears which touch the seabed. This proposal aims to protect vulnerable marine […]
Ministers urged to act now to protect vulnerable fish stocks. Many planned offshore windfarms could wreak havoc with key spawning and nursery grounds for important fish stocks, the industry warned […]