Herring arrives earlier in the Wadden Sea due to climate change. Due to the changing climate, young herring arrive in the Wadden Sea earlier and earlier in spring. That is […]
Warmest June ever recorded in Wadden Sea; concerns over cockle mortality. In the past six summers, there were as many as five with high mortality among cockles in the Wadden […]
Research findings present new opportunities and challenges for coastlines. Mangroves are growing in areas historically dominated by salt marshes and oyster reefs. Invasive pacific oysters are replacing native blue mussels […]
Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam is heading a research project to investigate the application of hybrid and fully electric propulsion in the Dutch mussel farming sector. The project, which is called AQUACULTURe, is […]
Chinese shellfish culture benefits wading birds. On the mudflats along the Chinese coasts where non-destructive forms of aquaculture are practiced, shorebirds like knots and bar-tailed godwits are doing relatively well. […]
A crab is never just a crab. A herring in the North Sea, a crab in the Wadden Sea or an anemone fish on a coral reef, … biologists like […]
Salt marshes protect the coast – but not where it is needed most. Salt marshes provide multiple ecosystem services, one of those is protection of the coast against flooding. This […]
Aquaculture turns biodiversity into uniformity along the coast of China. Fisheries and aquaculture have given rise to an enormous uniformity in the diversity of bivalves along the more than 18,000 […]
Fishermen have broken all records for marine litter returned to shore under the Fishing for Litter scheme in the Netherlands. Participants in IJmuiden, Den Helder, Harlingen, Stellendam and Vlissingen have […]
Dutch fisheries chart a course to end overfishing – A majority of Dutch fisheries participate in the MSC Program. A new report on the country’s fisheries, “Stand in the Water […]