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Exhibitions & Events



This spring, in partnership with the Museum and Gallery Studies programme of the University of St. Andrews, the Scottish Fisheries Museum will be hosting the student-led exhibition, A Tale of Tea Cities: Tea Shipping and Consumption Around the 19th Century.

A Tale of Tea Cities will be open to the public from March 15th to June 16th. The primary focus of the exhibition is to explore the shipment and production of tea, the Great Tea Races of mid-19th Century, and the importance of tea for Scottish fishing communities. A wide variety of items will be displayed, from 19th century tea sets and tea packets to daily ship logs. In addition, items never-before-seen in public will be showcased, such as the telescope of Anstruther native Captain Alexander Rodger. Visitors will be invited to contemplate the global connections of their favourite beverage and its enduring importance in everyday life.

The exhibition is accompanied by an exciting tea-themed events programme, including painting with tea bags, a tea tasting journey, and planting tea seeds. More information and dates for these events can be found at https://taleoftea.com/upcoming-events/

Scottish Fisheries Museum

The Scottish Fisheries Museum is operated by an independent charitable trust and tells the story of the Scottish fishing industry and its people from the earliest times to the present.

Museum & Gallery Studies

The MLitt in Museum and Gallery Studies prepares students for employment in museums, principally as curators, with broad training in all types of museums, galleries and other heritage facilities. Part of the programme involves students working in small groups to develop an exhibition on a set theme with a partner institution.

For further information please contact Margaux Ruaud & Katie Feldkamp, A Tale of Tea Cities Marketing Team.


