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Aquaculture Exhibitions & Events


Aquaculture Innovation Europe Opens

Aquaculture Innovation Europe opens its doors today for the first of 2 days showcasing the most exciting developments in fish farm management, nutrition and fish health innovation.

The Aquaculture Innovation Europe Summit is a new conference (part of the Animal Health Innovation series), which focuses on highlighting and supporting innovation and sustainability initiatives in three key areas of aquaculture: farm management, nutrition and health.

below is a preview of some of the topics to be discussed:

  • Innovation Showcase: The 12 most exciting innovations in aqua across farm management, nutrition and health, each seeking financial investment and strategic partnership
  • Digital Trends: How innovative companies are using digital and tech solutions to prevent disease
  • Tech & Productivity: What challenges are seafood producers currently facing and what technology can make an impact on productivity?
  • Health and Nutrition Trends: Oral Vaccines, Medicated Feed Additives and Fish Microbiome
  • Global Focus: Trends in the aquaculture markets in Latin America and Asia.
  • Expanded focus on species: What are the opportunities for innovation in Tilapia and Shrimp

Investing in New Technology London, UK 11-12 September, 2018


The agenda is available here

