Blumar gains key MSC certification for horse mackerel. Chilean seafood processor Blumar has achieved a new certification at its frozen plant in Rocuant, with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) having granted its seal to the chain of custody of the centre located in Talcahuano, which will allow the company to position itself in the markets that require this important certification.
The MSC-CoC certification guarantees that the products made with Chilean jack mackerel are permanently guarded, so that at no step within the production chain does the product lose its sustainability attribute.
Blumar’s fishing sales manager, Marcelo Otero, highlighted having obtained this recognition of the chain of custody:
“This will allow new marketing possibilities for our horse mackerel-based products in different market niches at a global level, especially in Europe and certain markets in Asia, since now the product will come out with the MSC seal and will have a better valuation,” explained the official. executive.
This certification coincides with the improvement of the horse mackerel fishery, which since 2010 has been in constant recovery, going from the category “over-exploited” to “in full exploitation”. The foregoing indicates that the fishery is in an excellent situation, which responds to better governance and the implementation of sustainable practices in the companies.
“Horse mackerel has been very present in Chile for its nutritional value, its versatility and flavour and this certification will allow the systematic expansion of new markets and products globally”, indicated Otero.
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is a global organisation dedicated to establishing standards for sustainable fisheries and the traceability of supply chains. In 2019, the Chilean horse mackerel was certified by this institution as a sustainable fishery that complies with the best fishing practices worldwide.