British Columbia salmon farmers launch innovation and technology update. The British Columbia Salmon Farmers Association has launched its 2021 Innovation and Technology Report Update – highlighting innovation, progress and accomplishments made across the B.C. Salmon Aquaculture sector since the inaugural 2019 B.C. Salmon Aquaculture Innovation and Technology Report.
“Despite the fact the Federal Government’s actions over the last several years have led to unprecedented levels of uncertainty and stress for many coastal communities, the salmon farming sector’s commitment to British Columbia has never wavered. Continuous improvement is what our industry is all about and we’ve been rapidly evolving and innovating for years. We are excited and proud to be releasing this report as it shows our dedication to environmental responsibility, and what innovation looks like today in our sector on B.C.’s coast.” says John Paul Fraser, Executive Director of the B.C. Salmon Farmers Association.
The report update highlights the B.C. salmon farming industry’s commitment to environmental stewardship, as it continues to transition towards cutting-edge technologies and innovations that focus on understanding and further reducing risk to surrounding ecosystems with wild salmon always being the top priority. The report emphasizes new technologies and innovations being deployed at all stages of the salmon production life cycle – from land-based hatcheries, in-ocean farms, to fish processing.
“B.C. is perfectly positioned to lead Canada’s Blue Economy, and we continue to aspire to that. Already, we are a leader in sustainable seafood production through innovation, improvements in environmental stewardship and working hand-in-hand with Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities,” says Fraser.
The report update is segmented into eight categories where new technological advancements have occurred:
- Ocean-based containment systems
- Feeding Systems
- Net Cleaning Solutions
- Sea Lice Prevention Innovations
- Sea Lice Treatment Innovations
- Fish Health
- Processing Wastewater
- Clean Energy Adoption
The new report update features several companies operating in rural B.C. coastal communities developing, piloting, and implementing leading edge responsible technology that the B.C. salmon farming industry has adopted. B.C.’s homegrown technology is setting the standard around the world, as technology is piloted and matured in B.C., other salmon producing countries have taken notice and are adopting our expertise and leadership.
With the right support, B.C. salmon farmers are positioned to be leaders in ocean technology as the sector continues to innovate. Read the full 2021 B.C. Salmon Aquaculture Innovation & Technology
Report Update here: read now
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About the BC Salmon Farmers Association:
Farm-raised salmon is B.C.’s highest valued seafood product, the province’s top agricultural export, and generates over $1.6 billion towards the B.C. economy, resulting in nearly 6,500 jobs. The B.C. Salmon Farmers Association represents over 60 businesses and organizations throughout the value chain of finfish aquaculture in B.C. Our members account for over 95% of the annual provincial harvest of farm-raised salmon in British Columbia.
Quick Facts – B.C. Salmon Farming Sector:
- British Columbia’s salmon farmers are investing, developing, and transitioning to world leading precision ocean technologies to protect coastal environments, wild salmon, and fish welfare.
- farmed salmon is B.C.’s #1 seafood and agri-food export with a total economic output of $1.6 billion.
- Salmon farming currently supports nearly 6,500 full time jobs that pay 30% higher than B.C.’s median income.
- Over 80% of salmon farmed in B.C. is done in agreement with BC First Nations.
- Many of these jobs are in rural coastal Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities on North Vancouver Island.
- Salmon farmers produce 87,000 tonnes of farmed salmon annually, this creates 353 million healthy, locally produced meals with low carbon footprints.
- Since the pandemic salmon donations to local and regional food banks alone have exceeded over 50 tonnes (equal to over 500,000 meals).