Parents must take responsibility

Beck believes parents are the key to bucking the trend. In the NSC’s recent survey, 7 out of 10 children said they would eat more fish if they were served dishes they actually want. Among the Norwegian children in the survey, pan fried salmon and cod, sushi, fish cakes and fish soup were among the favourites.

“Parents are for the most part responsible for the everyday meals of children. When kids say they want to eat more fish, and even say what kind of dishes they prefer, the rest is up to mum and dad. Us adults often have preconceptions about kids not liking fish, and it is simply not true,” says Beck and points out there are loads of tasty, quick and simple ways of including more seafood in your family’s diets.

“You don’t need to be a chef to succeed with seafood dishes for children and the rest of the family. The recipes most often mentioned by the children in the survey are super easy and quick to make. My top tip is to stock up the freezer with a range of sustainable seafood options, which can be added to dishes in a flash,” says Beck.

7 in 10 believe they eat enough fish

Most health authorities recommend people eat seafood 2-3 times a week, including at least one serving of fatty fish like salmon. Most people eat far less than this. The study also shows there is a serious disparity between what people think they eat and what they actually do. Seven in 10 believe they eat enough seafood, but the truth is only 2 in 10 actually eat enough according to the official guidelines.

“Today’s children are tomorrow’s adults , and have a responsibility as a seafood nation to raise the issue and talk about how we can help parents and children discover all the fantastic, tasty and sustainable seafood available,” says Beck.
