Day Two of Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global
Now in its second day, the event continues to host an extensive conference program with more than 25 educational sessions focused on traceability, sustainability, aquaculture and aquaculture equipment, labour issues, feed and feed innovation, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the industry and more.
This year’s event, the largest edition in its history, with 90 international industry experts. Among them are professionals from the seafood industry, policymakers, entrepreneurs, NGO representatives, and specialists in biodiversity and sustainability. Mark Blyth, William R. Rhodes ’57 Professor of International Economics at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University, gave the keynote address, “The Outlook for 2025 and Beyond: American Tariffs, European Stagnation, and Asian Resilience.” In the address, Blyth covered short-, medium-, and long-term topics of relevance to the global seafood community – from the November 2024 U.S. election to inflation to decarbonization of the economy in different regions of the world.
Blyth discussed how the economy, inflation, tariffs and de-globalization will impact the global seafood industry. Blyth remarked that “high end consumer demand will hold up, but mass consumer demand will rely more on frozen products.” Blyth also pointed out the impacts of climate change on the seafood supply chain and the growing importance of automating seafood production with innovations such as artificial intelligence.
Sustainability, labor rights and the importance of seafood consumption
The collaboration between chefs and retailers was explored in depth during the conference session on 23 April, “Chefs’ Vision on the Future of Responsible Seafood,” which highlighted the combined influence on the end consumer. Led by Barton Seaver, Chief Education and Sustainability Officer for Cod and Country LLC, the panel discussed how seafood and blue foods can be positioned as culinary protagonists.
Also on 23 April, the session “Climate Resiliency and the Protection of Blue Foods” delved into the impacts of climate change on ocean health and food security, emphasising that this is an unavoidable reality we must address. Leonardo Pradela, Program Officer of Walton Family Foundation; Cynthia Asaf, Chief Operating Officer; Dr. Sarah Glaser, Senior Director of World Wildlife Fund; and François Mosnier, Head of Ocean Team at Planet Tracker, concluded that is undeniable that global warming has affected fisheries and that all players should join forces to reverse them: “We must take into account several factors in relation to seafood, such as supply displacement, increased supply chain risks and competition in the global offshore fleet, which requires greater consideration of local food security, export/import trade-offs and environmental justice.”
In their session, Ashley Aaron, Oxfam USA; Teresa Fernández, Hilton Foods; Nattaya Petcharat, Stella Maris Songkhla Center; and Rapatsa Trirath, Oxfam in Asia, covered how seafood companies are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a human rights due diligence approach in their operations, with changing regulation, increased legal risks for supply chain abuses and growing consumer awareness. The presentation, “Learning From the Experiences of Companies Engaging in Human Rights Due Diligence” speakers pointed out that “the tuna supply chain is one of the longest and most complex in the food sector.”
Alexandra Warrington, Feed Standard Senior Co-ordinator of ASC; Esther Luiten, Global Director Program Development of ASC; Ruth Hoban, Head of Sustainability of New England Seafood; Adam Brennan, Chief Sustainability Officer of Thai Union; and Jorge Díaz, Global Sustainability Manager of Skretting addressed the responsible farming of seafood, which requires responsible nutrition in the session titled, “Responsible Aquaculture requires responsible feed and ASC is setting the standard for seafood.”
Global innovation and how artificial intelligence can transform the industry
The conference session, “Advancing the Industry with Artificial Intelligence” explored how AI is being used across the industry today and how it is revolutionising seafood production, shipping and decarbonisation. Larsen Mettler, Managing Director, S2G Ventures; Rui Gomes, CEO of Longline Environment; Kira Smiley, Senior Program Manager – Business Development, Tidal @ Alphabet’s X, The Moonshot Factory; Rajamanohar Somasundaram, CEO of Aquaconnect; and Mathew Zimola, CEO of ReelData AI; have shared their impressions about how tech is being applied today and what is on the horizon.
Innovation and technology in the global seafood industry is a leading conversation at this year’s event. The Expo is showcasing an impressive display of innovation in the seafood industry, presenting products that not only delight the palate but also stand out for their sustainability, quality and unique design. At the Seafood Excellence Global Awards reception , celebrated on the first day of the show, French companies Parcs Saint Kerber won Best Retail Product for their Oysters Trio, featuring three unique oyster varieties; and Algolesko received the Best HORECA Product award for their Wakame Pickles, praised for its distinctive flavor and versatility in menus.
The complete conference program can be found on the event website at