Export Health Certification for New Zealand – Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority Issues Information Notice to Trade.
The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) issued an Information Notice to industry on the 3rd July 2023, in relation to technical requirements for Irish companies trading with New Zealand in an evolving third country regulatory environment. The competent authority in New Zealand has introduced the requirement for specific export health certificates for exports of fishery products from Ireland to New Zealand.
There is a specific certificate for salmonid fish products, and a separate certificate for non-salmonid fish products. These new certificates should be used with immediate effect for all exports to New Zealand and are available on request by emailing the local SFPA Port office: https://www.sfpa.ie/Who-We-Are/Contact-Us/Port-Office-Directory
Exports of live bivalve molluscs or live crustaceans to New Zealand are not permitted at this time by the New Zealand authorities. All export consignments of fishery products from Ireland to New Zealand must be accompanied by a copy of these specific health certificates as well as the SFPA generic certificate of origin.EXPORT HEALTH CERTIFICATION FOR NEW ZEALAND
Queries regarding this Information Notice may be addressed to SFPATradeandAudit@sfpa.ie