National Fish and Chip Awards. Further to previous information publicising the fact that the 2020 National Fish & Chip Awards are now open for entry, please find below some additional information regarding the awards program and the benefits of participating.
Boost to business
The accolade of being shortlisted in the awards can have an enormous impact on your business – previous Regional winners’ of the flagship Fish and Chip Shop of the Year Award category have seen their turnover increase by up to 50% and some past National winners have seen their turnover increase by as much as 100%!
However, at every stage of the awards there are fantastic local PR and marketing opportunities for businesses just by being part of the awards. One of the main benefits of participation is the valuable performance feedback report that is supplied post-judging, providing often very valuable impartial insight to a shop’s operations – a process that if undertaken with a commercial mystery dining company could cost shop owners in the region of £100. Just one of the many benefits to be derived from being a part of the annual National Fish & Chip Awards.
Travel and learn
In a number of award categories, shortlisted businesses also have the opportunity to join various all-expense-paid industry study trip visits, providing the opportunity to learn more about where our seafood comes from. Previous visits have included trips to destinations including Norway and north east Scotland.
News for 2020
In addition to a simplified and streamlined online entry process, the 2020 awards program welcomes a new award category – the Seasonal UK Seafood Award sponsored by the Scottish Seafood Association and the Scottish White Fish Producers Association This award category will recognise and reward fish and chip businesses for their knowledge, use and promotion of the abundance of fresh seasonal fish and shellfish species from UK coastal waters. It will take into account judging criteria including sustainability, responsible sourcing, traceability and best practice with regards to the sourcing and use of seasonal UK fish and shellfish
The awards are free to enter. To find out more and to enter visit www.seafish.org/article/about-the-awards, or for further information e-mail awardsenquiry@seafish.co.uk
You can also keep up to date with all the latest awards news via https://twitter.com/FishnChipAwards.
The 2020 awards open for entry on 1 May 2019 – and entries can be submitted at https://fishandchips.awardsplatform.com