Fish in School Hero Programme. ‘Fish in School Hero’ aims to ensure that every child gets a chance to prepare, cook and eat fish before they leave school.
The programme aims to train over 400 secondary food teachers to be confident in preparing and cooking fish with students in their classrooms. Teachers will be supported by local Heroes: fishmongers, fish-loving chefs and fish suppliers, as well as other Heroes who will be coming into schools to talk first-hand about their role in bringing seafood from the sea to the plate, highlighting careers and opportunities in the fish industry.
Supported by the Fishmongers’ Company’s Fisheries Charitable Trust, Fish in School Hero is managed by the Food Teachers Centre and their volunteer team throughout the UK. Launching in East Coast schools, in 2020 and 2021 the programme will be extending throughout the UK, reaching over 60,000 pupils in 3 years.
Follow us on Twitter #fishheroes
Check the blogs about the launch from Bingley Grammar School and Emma @Girlyfishmonger
The pilot programme across Grimsby and East Coast.
In the first year, this would be pilot scale in the Peterborough, Newark, Lincoln, Grimsby area. We will be providing:
- Lesson plans and recipes
A set of curriculum-linked, ‘seafood’ teaching resources and lesson plans, for use in KS3/4 classrooms across the UK. Tailored modules on five to seven different, key, seafood species, with information on basic biology, method of capture/farm cultivation, sustainability, careers involved in delivering seafood to consumer, cooking methods and health value .
- Compiling a directory of “fish advocates”
A diverse database of seafood advocates, willing to visit schools and talk about seafood careers. Guidance for those talking to classes.
- Fish supplier relationships.
Locating regional seafood suppliers (fishmongers, catering supply companies, producer organisations, retailers, etc), willing to provide affordable product suitable for use in the classroom. This enables a “dating service” to match local schools with the best, local, seafood source, helping teachers plan.
- Teacher Training
Introducing this material to food teachers in regional workshop sessions
We are looking for industry fish heroes: Fish suppliers, Fish processors & Fish Mongers to support the programme. Please express your interest here:
For more information do get in touch