Garware celebrates ten years as a supplier to the chilean salmon farming market: “We are in Chile to ensure the success of the salmon industry.”
Since entering the chilean salmon farming market in 2014, Garware Technical Fibres has established a strong position, thanks to its innovative solutions and products that meet customer requirements while adding value to their operations. “Today, we boast innovation, product diversity, expanding sales, and a strengthened local team. The early years were challenging, primarily in gaining the support of salmon companies to conduct initial product trials. During that introduction phase, we tested nets with Mowi and Camanchaca to showcase our solutions,” says Marcos Jofré, Business Associate of Garware Technical Fibres.
“The main challenges we faced at the time were building brand recognition and demonstrating that we are a serious company operating 15,000 kilometers away in India. Producers were ‘accustomed’ to immediate consumption without the need to plan long-term purchases. We started with trials, many hours of work, and invitations to India to showcase our plants and build the trust of local salmon producers in our products. The existing products in the market were commodities, primarily focused on price rather than quality, with strong competition. Through the ‘voice of the customer,’ we listened to and understood their needs. This is how the Star fish farming nets, Sapphire Ultra Core predator nets, and X2 mooring ropes gained strong acceptance right from the start,” Jofré explains.
Garware had to adapt its products to the Chilean salmon farming market, with a special focus on predators, higher fouling levels, the ectoparasite Caligus rogercresseyi, high-energy and exposed farming sites, square metal cages, longer tides, and a distinct and evolving regulatory framework. “We are proud of the company’s development in Chile during its first decade and grateful to everyone who has trusted us,” Jofré emphasizes.
Looking ahead, the main challenges include regulatory changes, a greater focus on sustainability, continuous fish protection – the industry’s most critical asset – and offering products of the highest quality, with increased connectivity and intelligent solutions. “We are well-positioned to meet the evolution of the industry. We provide value and develop innovative alternatives based on the industry’s needs. Among the key factors for the company’s success are innovation, India’s rich textile heritage, and sustainability, alongside consideration for the environmental and social impacts of our operations. Our corporate social responsibility efforts in Chile also stand out, supported by initiatives linked to SalmonChile,” says Francisco Serra, Commercial Manager of Garware Technical Fibres Chile.
It is worth noting that aquaculture is the company’s most significant business area. Globally, Garware has been operating since the late 1990s and in Chile since 2014. The company has its presence in 75 countries, particularly in salmon farming industries in Australia, Canada, Scotland, the Faroe Islands, Norway, New Zealand, and Chile. “In addition, we have a wide range of products in development, which be launched soon,” Serra concludes.