Golden award for private label herring products in Germany. Two herring products made by Lithuanian seafood processor Viciunai Group have received the golden quality award by the renowned DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft, the German Agricultural Society).
Every year, the independent society awards several products with a gold, silver and bronze rating to highlight the unique quality of individual foods. The awards were given to the Matjes Nordische Art and the Matjes Nordische Art with onions and herbs, which are sold under the private label Fjordkrone at their customer Norma.
The award, which is based on independent scientific tests of the product, provides the option to print the DLG-logo for the golden award on the packaging to make it clear to consumers that this is particularly high-quality fish.
The award itself dates back to 1891, when the first quality competition for food was introduced by the DLG. A team of experts from trade, industry, science and food monitoring evaluates the products according to a defined scheme.
German consumers look for the DLG seal because it guarantees tested quality and taste for food products. Only the organic label (BIO) with 90 % and the seal of Stiftung Warentest with 82 % have more popularity. Just under 77 % of all the participants in a Study by the Münster University of Applied Sciences stated that they had consciously chosen a product with a seal of approval when comparing products.
The quality of products that receive this award is checked annually by the DLG to confirm that this seal of approval still has validity.
Viciunai says:
“We are confident that we will also be convincing in the next tests so that the label can be renewed.”