Insect fed trout now available to French consumers and is now being sold in supermarkets, through Auchan, a French retailer.
According to the news site All About Feed, the trout is produced and processed by Truite Service in France and has been fed Skretting feeds containing insect meal from InnovaFeed. Auchan, a leading French retailer committed to responsible aquaculture, has made the insect fed trout available in 52 supermarkets in the North and Ile-de-France, with plans to sell throughout France by the end of 2019
At least half of fishmeal replaced by insect meal
“The term ‘insect fed fish’ applies only to aquaculture fish that meet 2 criteria – they have been fed a diet wherein at least 50% of the fish meal has been replaced by insect meal, and the fish have doubled in weight after the insect protein has been applied,” says Elodie Petit, marketing manager at Skretting France. According to Truite Service, the fish have performed well and it is delighted that the new feed has been received well by the fish and shown great results in terms of growth, health and flesh quality.
Salmon fed insect meal
Skretting released earlier that the company is applying insect meals to commercial feeds in the Norwegian salmon industry. The commercial salmon feed with insect meal is produced by Skretting Norway’s factory in Averøy. Nordlaks is the first customer to test the feeds containing insect meal in 360,000 fry. Also other companies around the world are launching actual insect derived products to the market. Protix has launched an insect fed salmon to the market this year, called the Friendly Salmon, where 100% of the fish meal is replaced by insect meal. Also other species are marketed by Protix under the Friendly Fish brand, such as trout and shrimp.