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Marine Institute publishes Year in Review 2023. The Marine Institute has published its Year in Review 2023, a snapshot of some of the organisation’s many highlights during a busy and productive year.

The 24-page publication presents key achievements across the Institute during the year, along with a selection of key figures, facts and photographs.

The leading role that the Institute has in researching, understanding, and supporting the sustainable development of Ireland’s marine resources is clear in this snapshot of the past 12 months, along with the impact and contribution that the Marine Institute makes at national and international level. Year in Review 2023 shows the breadth of services, projects and initiatives that the staff of the Institute are working on, in collaboration with partners and stakeholders.

In 2023, the Marine Institute embarked upon the first year of its new Corporate Strategy, Ocean Knowledge that Informs and InspiresThis strategy sets a new vision and mission for the organisation and identifies eight strategic priorities for the next five years.

Other highlights presented in Year in Review 2023 include the continued scientific advice and services provided to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and other government departments, agencies and stakeholders, including the public. These services are essential to achieving a sustainable ocean economy, protecting and managing our marine ecosystems, and meeting EU obligations.

Some 6,409km2 of seabed was mapped by the Marine Institute in 2023 as part of the me, in partnership with Geological Survey Ireland. The RV Celtic Explorer and RV Tom Crean (enjoying its first full year in service) completed 596 survey days in 2023.

Climate change continued to be an important focus area for the Institute during the year, as it worked with climate stakeholders in defining the climate services they need for the marine domain, and continued its support for Ireland’s climate change research with a significant number of surveys and projects.

The Irish Ocean Climate & Ecosystem Status Report 2023 was a major publication during the past year, co-ordinated by the Ocean Climate and Information Services (OCIS) service area and with input from a wide range of Marine Institute and external audiences.

The organisation’s Research Funding Office administered €12.3 million in new research investments awarded under the Marine Research Programme during 2023. This included funding ship-time on the research vessels and remotely operated vehicle, and the funding of wide ranging and impactful research projects.

Throughout 2023, the Marine Institute carried out analysis and provided support on a wide range of topics affecting the fishing and aquaculture sectors, and delivered the annual Stock Book to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, providing the latest scientific advice on 74 Irish stocks exploited by the Irish fishing fleet.

The Shellfish Safety team provided support and advice to the Competent Authorities in Ireland and at a European level on microbiological and marine biotoxins food safety issues associated with bivalve shellfish. A wide range of testing was carried out, which ensures a high level of consumer confidence and protection, and supports the integrity, quality and reputation of Irish shellfish and its industry.

2023 was a challenging year for the shipping industry with traffic volumes across all maritime transport modes affected by the difficult economic environment. The Irish Maritime Development Office worked to address and overcome challenges for the maritime industry and to support the blue economy.

The Institute’s commitment to being a sustainable organisation continued in 2023 with its first Climate Action Roadmap undergoing an annual review, and a number of key sustainability developments to reduce its carbon footprint and impact on the environment.

Other key events and initiatives during 2023 included partnering on the OCEANS 2023 conference, launching the INFOMAR Blue Map series, supporting the implementation of marine environmental and spatial planning legislation, continuing the Institute’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and celebrating 10 years of the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation.

View the Marine Institute Year in Review 2023.
