New Zealand consultation on catch changes. New Zealand has started a consultation on proposed changes to commercial catch settings for four fish stocks for the new fishing year beginning 1 April 2019.
Director of fisheries management, Stuart Anderson says reviewing catch limits and other management measures is one way Fisheries New Zealand ensures long-term sustainable fisheries for the future.
“Twice yearly we check and adjust catch limits to fish stocks to help keep our fisheries sustainable,” says Mr Anderson.
“We use the best available scientific information to tell us what’s happening with our fish stocks and to identify which stocks need changes.
“If the scientific information suggests more fish can be harvested sustainably, then we increase the catch limits. On the other hand, if there are sustainability issues identified, we reduce catch limits.
“Of the four stocks being reviewed in this consultation, increases to catch limits are proposed for 3 stocks, and a decrease is proposed for one.
“Any changes to catch limits will come into effect on 1 April 2019.
“We encourage people to put in a submission via the submission form on our website if they have an interest in any of the fisheries being reviewed.
Consultation opens 18 December 2018 and closes on 12 February 2019.
As part of the April 2019 sustainability round, the following stocks are being reviewed:
Rock lobster:
- Gisborne (CRA 3)
- Hawke’s Bay/Wellington (CRA 4)
- Southern (CRA 8)
Sea Cucumber:
- Top of the South Island/Marlborough Sounds (SCC 7A)
Fisheries New Zealand works to ensure that fisheries resources are managed to provide the greatest overall benefit to New Zealanders. Their focus is the sustainability of New Zealand’s wild fish stocks, aquaculture, and the wider aquatic environment, now and for future generations.
New Zealand’s fisheries provide an important source of food for commercial, cultural, and recreational purposes. Using science and research, Fisheries New Zealand helps protect the country’s marine resources.