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Commercial Fishing Iceland



Norway reports a good Icelandic capelin fishery this year. The capelin fishery in Iceland is over and the first capelin catch has been taken from the Barents Sea, reports Norwegian pelagic fish group, Norges Sildesalgslag.

The capelin fishery in Iceland has ended for this year, with the last catch reported on Saturday. The season has gone much better than last year, with better weather in the field and the entire Norwegian quota of 48,380 tonnes has been taken.

The catch is delivered in Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands, where the main part is delivered in Norway. The majority of catches have also been used for consumption.

In the Barents Sea, the first catch of capelin was taken off the North Cape on Sunday by Piraja. It is expected that fishing for capelin in the Barents Sea will start around the turn of the month, as capelin may be better for roe pressing.

Blue whiting

This week, 12 vessels were in action fishing for blue whiting in international waters and the registration journal shows 23,350 tonnes registered, compared to 8,470 the week before. So far, the catches have been delivered for fishmeal and oil production. From the field, there are reports of large quantities of blue whiting and the vessels are only on the grounds for a short time to load. So far, around 33,000 of the catch quota of less than 305,000 have been taken and the it is expected that more vessels will start fishing for blue whiting now that capelin fishing in Iceland is over.

NVG herring

After a lot of bad weather in the north, the fishing for NVG (spring spawning) herring got off to a better start in week 7. 21,866 tonnes have been taken, of which around 14,000 tonnes are slightly larger herring of up to 366 grams which have been taken west of Vesterålen. The smaller herring have been taken a little further north, but some catches have had a mixture of both larger and smaller herring. Eros and Vendla are now in the area outside Røst on the annual spawning trip and it will be exciting to see the trip report when it is ready.

The herring caught this week has been around 19 in roe percentage and several boats will also take part in this fishing in the future.


Two foreign vessels made the trip to Norway with around 1,500 tonnes of mackerel, while 70 tonnes have been reported from two Norwegian vessels in the west.

 Horse mackerel

147 tonnes of horse mackerel entered the catch journal in week 7. The catch was from Florø in the north to Ryfylke in the south, with the main part taken at Bømlo and within Os.

Published: 20.02.2023 by Roar Bjånesøy

