Good early year herring catches in Norway Almost 1,000 tonnes of Norwegian spring spawning (NVG) herring have been caught in the Kvænangen and Reisafjorden areas of Norway by five vessels […]
Good mackerel fishing for Norwegian fleet. After a lot of searching in both the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea, the mackerel finally turned up a bit for the Norwegian […]
Update on Norwegian pelagic fishing. Norwegian pelagic sales group Norges Sildesalgslag has provided an update on pelagic fishing for fishing season week 34. Mackerel: This week’s quantity of mackerel was […]
Norwegian pelagic sales organisation, Norges Sildesalgslag, has provided a latest update on pelagic fishing by the Norwegian fleet. Here is their report: North Sea herring: We had another weak week […]
Kenneth Garvik of NORGES SILDESALGSLAG reports on the progress Norwegian pelagic fisheries in week 16 of the year. Blue whiting: We have only five catches of blue whiting last week, […]
Mixed fishing for Norwegian pelagic fleet. Norwegian spring spawning herring is moving a bit in the south and there is poor capelin fishing off Iceland, according to Kenneth Garvik of […]
Norwegian boost for MSC certification of Icelandic capelin fishery. The capelin fishery off Iceland is now MSC-certified, and according to senior adviser Tor Bjørklund Larsen of the Norwegian Fishermen’s Association […]
New Covid guidelines for unloading pelagic fish in Norway. Sjømat Norge and Norges Sildesalgslag in Norway have jointly developed guidelines for unloading pelagic fish in order to maintain covid-19 infection […]
Norwegian sandeel fishery comes to an end. The Norwegian sandeel fishery has come to an end and bad weather has caused difficulties for the mackerel fleet in the North, reports […]
Norwegian seasonal sandeel fishery nears end. The Norwegian sandeel fishery is coming to an end and we ended the week with 14.900 MT registered catches, reports reports Norges Sildesalgslag (a […]
Excellent catches of North Sea herring by Norway. It has been a great week for the Norwegian North Sea herring fishery and another good week for the sandeel fishery, reports […]
Good start to Norwegian herring season. Norwegian vessels have had a good start to their herring fishery with six catches ranging from 80 MT to 500 MT, reports reports Norges […]
Norwegian sandeel fishery still going strong. The sandeel fishery is still good, and a Faroe vessel delivered a record breaking catch this week with blue whiting, reports reports Norges […]
Great Week For Sandeel Fishery – A total of 22,800 MT of sandeel was registered as caught last week, divided on 23 catches, reports Norges Sildesalgslag (a Norwegian Fishermen’s Sales […]
Norwegian sandeel fishery begins. With the Norwegian blue whiting fishery now coming to an end, the sandeel fishery begins, reports Norges Sildesalgslag (a Norwegian Fishermen’s Sales Organisation for Pelagic Fish). […]
Norwegian blue whiting fishery picks up. The blue whiting fishery for Norwegian vessels has finally picked up, according to an article on the Norges Sildesalgslag website. The article states: “The […]
Mackerel Group Gives Update on MSC Suspension ; The Mackerel Industry Northern Sustainability Alliance (MINSA) has produced a fact sheet providing an update on the current mackerel MSC suspension. Here, […]
Update on Norwegian pelagic fishing season. Norwegian pelagic sales group Norges Sildesalgslag has provided an update on pelagic fishing for fishing season week 34. Kenneth Garvik of the group, writes: […]