Canada announces a mackerel bait fishery. The Government of Canada says it is taking decisive action to rebuild its Atlantic mackerel stock, which has faced important declines over the last […]
Good start of the year mackerel fishery for Scottish fleet. The traditional start-of-the-year mackerel fishery for the Scottish mackerel fleet proved fruitful, with boats reporting abundant shoals of good-sized fish. […]
Mackerel boost for Irish fleet. Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, has successfully secured an increased Mackerel quota share for the Irish fleet. Following intensive engagement […]
Good end-of-year mackerel fishery for Scottish fleet The Scottish mackerel fleet enjoyed a productive end-of-year fishery, with good sized shoals of fish encountered. The season started at the beginning of […]
Smoked mackerel salad wrap. Great for a quick office lunch, this omega-3 rich smoked mackerel salad wrap is healthy and tasty – and with no cooking required, it’s super simple. […]
Scottish mackerel sector calls for resolution to quota share dispute. Following the recent setting of the total allowable catch (TAC) of North-east Atlantic mackerel (and blue whiting and Atlanto-Scandian herring) […]
Agreement on mackerel, blue whiting and Atlanto-Scandian herring TACs for 2024. The delegations of the European Union, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Norway and the United Kingdom reached an agreement […]
Norwegian fleet busy seeking out mackerel. Last week, the Norwegian fishing fleet found mackerel abundant both offshore and by the coast, and had a modest catches of 14,000 tonnes. This […]
With sharing arrangement consultations on the Northeast Atlantic pelagic stocks being resumed this month, the EU fishing industry calls on all Coastal States to give top priority to discussions on […]
Mackerel fishing for Norwegian boats is starting to pick up, according to pelagic group, Norges Sildesalgslag. At the end of last week, as many as five boats are heading out […]
Irish call to protect EU mackerel quotas. At the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council on Monday 26th June, Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D. highlighted the […]
Tom Yum mackerel soup. This spicy, flavoursome soup is not only delicious, but also full of healthy mackerel, packed with omega-3. Prep time: 2 minutes Cooking time: 31-40 minutes Serves: […]
In a letter to Ms Charlina Vitcheva, EC Director General Directorate General Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Pelagic Advisory Council (PelAC ) has underlined the importance that the terms of […]
The Pelagic Advisory Council (PelAC) says it fully supports the European Commission’s commitment and efforts to find a rational sharing arrangement between all involved Coastal States for the Northeast Atlantic […]
EU fishing industry disappointed with Coastal States’ failure to seal mackerel sharing deal. The EU fishing industry is highly disappointed that the Northeast Atlantic Coastal States, despite intensified efforts over […]
Scottish fishing group calls out MCS advice to avoid eating mackerel. The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) – a seafood industry organisation dedicated to ensuring stock sustainability for mackerel and […]
Coastal States fail spectacularly to meet their own deadline to agree shares on Northeast Atlantic Mackerel. TIME’S UP! In December 2022, the Northeast Atlantic Coastal States announced they had set […]
Nations must act decisively at critical moment for North East Atlantic mackerel The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is calling on Coastal States that harvest North East Atlantic (NEA) mackerel to […]
Successful start-of-the-year fishery for Scottish mackerel fleet. The start-of-the-year Scottish mackerel fishery was successfully completed by the week ending 11 February, with the last fish caught on grounds to the […]