Steady fishing by Norwegian fleet for herring and mackerel According to the Norwegian pelagic sales organisation Norges Sildsalgslag, week 3 of the year for Norwegian spring spawning herring (NVG) has […]
Scottish January mackerel fishery in full swing The traditional start-of-the-year mackerel fishery for the Scottish fleet is progressing well, with boats reporting good marks of fish. Fishing commenced in early […]
Agreement reached on NE Atlantic mackerel catch for 2023. The UK, EU, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and Norway have agreed that 782,066 tonnes of mackerel should be caught in the […]
Where are the mackerel? Alarm as Bosphorus fish stocks crash. Despondent Sunday anglers watch crestfallen as a trawler winches an enormous net out of the waters of the Bosphorus, writes […]
Mackerel with Bombay potatoes and fried egg. Spicy potatoes and delicious, healthy mackerel, topped with a fried egg – what’s not to like? Prep time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 16-20 […]
Miso mackerel poke bowl. This miso mackerel poke recipe will be the envy of all your colleagues and is pretty tasty too! Prep time: 10 mins Skill level: Easy Serves: 2 Course: Lunch Ingredients […]
Busy autumn mackerel fishery Pictured here is the Shetland vessel Altaire landing her catch of high-quality mackerel to the Northbay processing facility at Peterhead last week. The Scottish mackerel fleet […]
Ian Gatt, chief executive of the Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association, writing in The Scotsman newspaper earlier this week, has called for urgent action to resolve the impasse of international mackerel […]
Record week for Norwegian mackerel catching. The Norwegian fishing fleet has had a record mackerel week, catching a total of 63,600 tonnes, which is a historically high quantity of mackerel […]
Good mackerel fishing for Norwegian fleet. After a lot of searching in both the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea, the mackerel finally turned up a bit for the Norwegian […]
Pelagic fishers call for action against Norway and Faroe over mackerel. The Pelagic Advisory Council (PAC) has written to the EC demanding action on over the unilateral setting of mackerel […]
Blumar sees good potential in jack mackerel fishery. In its quarterly results delivery, Chilean fisheries and aquaculture company Blumar reported a sustained growth in its profits during the second quarter, […]
Scottish mackerel and herring processors call for urgent action on soaring energy costs. The Scottish Pelagic Processors Association (SPPA) – the representative organisation for Scotland’s mackerel, herring and blue whiting […]
Iceland mackerel stock research. The Icelandic research vessel Árni Friðriksson completed its participation in the annual pelagic ecosystem summer survey in the Nordic Seas (IESSNS, International Ecosystem Summer Survey in […]
Mackerel and cheese tarts with mackerel salad. No fuss, easy cooking, perfect for a picnic on these long, hot summer days. Prep time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 16-20 minutes Serves: […]
Smoked mackerel risotto. Delicious, healthy and easy to make, this mackerel risotto is a great way to pack in some omega-3. SMOKED MACKEREL RISOTTO Prep time: 5 minutes Cooking time: […]
Norwegian mackerel and herring survey underway. The Institute of Marine Research in Norway and the hired boats Vendla and Eros are well underway with this summer’s mapping of the ecosystem […]
Unilateral Mackerel Quota Agreement Condemned SPFA AND SFA Statement on Norway and Faroese mackerel quotas Scottish pelagic fishermen have condemned decisions by Norway and Faroe to persist with the unilateral […]