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Commercial Fishing


Russian fish catch continues to increase

Russian fishermen continue to increase their total catch of fish and seafood. According to the industry monitoring system of Rosrybolovstvo (Federal Agency for Fishery), by April 16 this year, production volume amounted to 1.7 million tons, which is 2.6% more than last year.

The growth of the all-Russian catch is provided mainly by fishermen of the Far East: the figure amounted to almost 1.4 million tons (+7.5% compared to the 2023 level). Good performance in the fishery for pollock (+8%), flounder (+5%), and herring (+13.5%).

Fisheries in the Northern Basin continue to increase their catch dynamics: production volume increased by almost 11.5% – to 165 thousand tons. The catch of capelin exceeded the level of last year by more than 2 times, crab by 10%, and flounder by 2.6 times.

Positive dynamics are also observed in the Azov-Black Sea basin: more than 10.7 thousand tons were produced, which is 5.5% higher than the 2023 level. In particular, the catch of anchovy increased by 8%, and sprat by 3.5 times.

In addition, the increase continues with the development of freshwater fish species in the internal objects of the East Siberian and Baikal basins.

Rosrybolovstvo regularly monitors the volume of production and supply of fish products to domestic and foreign markets in order to prioritize providing the country’s population with fish products in the required volume.
