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Russian salmon production soars. At the end of 9 months of 2021, commercial cultivation of salmon species reached 120 thousand tons, which is 29% more than in the same period in 2020. At the same time, the share of trout and salmon in the total structure of commercial aquaculture production reached 45%, although more than ten years ago it was about 5%, and last year – 30%.

The cultivation of Atlantic salmon (salmon) increased 2.3 times – up to 20.34 thousand tons (8.9 thousand tons – in 9 months of 2020). The production of various types of trout increased by 18% – up to 99 thousand tons. The geography of trout cultivation is very extensive – from the Caspian to the Arctic, from the North-West to the Far East of Russia.

After Russia introduced retaliatory measures to anti-Russian sanctions, about 120 thousand tons of salmon, mainly Norwegian salmon (salmon), fell out of the structure of domestic imports. Already in three quarters of 2021, Russian salmon farmers reached this indicator and provided a good increase in salmon catch in the Far East, where the third result in the history of the Russian fishery was achieved – more than 538 thousand tons.

Salmon farming is the most promising area of ​​aquaculture. The complex project “Salmon breeding”, that is, the development of commercial fish farming of salmon fish species using the technologies of industrial and pasture aquaculture, is included in the Strategy for the development of the fishery complex of the Russian Federation until 2030, approved by the Government in 2019.

Source: dalekayaokraina.ru
