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Seafood Processing



Seafish launches 2024 seafood processing survey. UK seafood processing businesses encouraged to contribute essential data through short survey.

Researchers from Seafish, the public body that supports the UK seafood industry, have started contacting businesses as the organisation begins its annual processing survey.

The survey helps paint a picture of the processing sector in the UK by collecting socio-economic and financial data. The more data collected, the more accurately the sector will be represented and understood.

Among the areas where the survey has proved crucial is helping the processing sector to understand the impacts on changes to immigration rules in the UK. Data collected from the 2023 survey was used to inform ongoing consultations on the recently proposed changes to the Skilled Worker Visa requirements.

The survey itself is a five-minute phone called followed by an email. Processors will be asked about the main activities of their business, the species they process, the size and make-up of their work force and financial performance information. All data collected is strictly confidential.

Dana Wright, Senior Economist at Seafish, said:

“The data collected from the Seafood Processing Survey is vital in helping us understand the needs of processing businesses. Given the many changes that the sector has faced and will continue to face, having up-to-date data on the performance of the sector can better help us support processors through the work that we do. For example, data from the census has helped to support international trade, inform immigration consultations, and demonstrate the need for financial support during the Covid-19 pandemic. I highly encourage processing businesses to help by giving us a few minutes of your time during our 2024 survey.”

Findings from previous processing surveys show a slight decline in processing sites. In 2023 Seafish identified 353 sites which process mainly seafood in the UK, six less than last year. The drop in sites over time has largely been driven by a reduction in the small and medium sized sites. Some sites closed, others grew or merged. The results also showed that most processors engage in other business activities besides processing, such as wholesaling.

Total turnover in the seafood processing sector remained around £4 billion in the last decade. After a drop in 2019, turnover rose in the subsequent two years, suggesting that the increase in retail sales during the Covid-19 pandemic was able to offset losses. This recovery has resulted in healthy profit margins for processors.

To learn more about the survey visit the Seafood Processing Sector Survey page on the Seafish website.

To access the latest processing sector reports and data visit the Seafood processing data and insight page on the Seafish website.

Businesses can also contact the processing survey research team directly on processingenquiries@seafish.co.uk.

