Seafood Industry Australia workshop makes splash in Darwin. SIA the national peak body representing the Australian seafood industry, toured their “Our Pledge” workshop in Darwin on Wednesday.
“Improving community perception and the social licence of the Australian seafood industry is a major priority for our industry” SIA CEO Jane Lovell said.
“The Northern Territory Seafood Council has also identified social licence front and centre in their current Strategic Plan so yesterday was a wonderful opportunity to meet with and discuss ‘Our Pledge’ with members of the local industry.”
Northern Territory Seafood Council CEO Katherine Winchester said the workshop was well received and provided an important opportunity to help shape “Our Pledge”.
“It was great to hear the thoughts and conversations yesterday from Territory professional fishers as they provided feedback on the ‘Our Pledge’ commitment,” she said.
“These conversations build understanding and reiterate the importance for industry to do more than just tell its good story, there are concerns and issues the community want to see the seafood industry tackle.
“SIA’s ‘Our Pledge” is exciting as it will unite the Australian seafood industry, whilst helping build on our vision for the Northern Territory seafood industry to be a trusted, stable and prosperous industry which is continually earning its social licence to operate.”
Following industry and community research, SIA has developed “Our Pledge”, a commitment from the Australian seafood industry to the people of Australia.
“‘Our Pledge’ responds to issues the community identified as important, presenting the seafood industry’s actions, position and perspective,” Ms Lovell said.
“The Northern Territory is such an important part of Australia’s seafood industry and their support and involvement is vital to the success of ‘Our Pledge’.
“‘Our Pledge’ gives the industry a way to succinctly communicate with the community and to inform them of our values and practices. It also helps us focus our efforts on meeting community concerns including the establishment of areas where we need more research, or for greater uptake of existing research and the industry standard of best-practice.
“‘Our Pledge’ is our response to the industry’s call for action on the need to secure our social licence and improve our community perception. But, we need to get the right balance in ‘Our Pledge’; it needs to be achievable, but not just a ‘business as usual’ statement. Taking that approach is unlikely to see any real conversations had, or to secure any perception changes within the community.”