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Seamless shipment of mackerel from Scotland for Danish processor

Seamless shipment of mackerel from Scotland for Danish processor

The BIP Centre in the Danish Port of Hirtshals has provided the gateway for a first shipment of Scottish mackerel to a processor in Denmark, and this positive experience has demonstrated the seamless flow of goods through the port.

This is the first time that Peterhead company Northbay Pelagic has shipped processed mackerel to a customer in this way through Hirtshals. Sæby Fish Canners is a well established processor in the north of Denmark, with production for both local consumption and for outlets across Europe, and they partnered with North Atlantic Shipping to bring this first shipment of 370 tonnes of bulk frozen mackerel to the BIP Centre in Hirtshals.

“We can expect changes in the way we receive fish in the future. Landing obligations, along with national and regional legislation, make it likely that more frozen fish will arrive at Danish quays in the future,“ said Sæby Fish Canners CEO Claus Christensen.

“When receiving fish from our partners in Scotland, we are fortunate to work with trusted companies like North Atlantic Shipping at the Port of Hirtshals, ensuring a seamless process.”

Mv “Link Aurora” docked in Hirtshals in early February with its load of HGT (headed, gutted, tailed) frozen mackerel in bulk bags. The shipment was handled at the BIP Centre. Operated by Lineage, it has more than 2400 square metres of frozen and chilled storage space, as well as capacity to receive containers.

“This shows us that the Port of Hirtshals operates flawlessly when handling frozen fish from Scotland to Denmark. Without the BIP centre, it would not be possible to receive cargo from the UK post-Brexit. All the necessary facilities are in place to ensure an efficient operation, minimising port stay for the reefer vessel – a crucial factor, as these vessels don’t generate revenue while berthed,” said Jens Skjødt Petersen at North Atlantic Shipping.

“This collaboration between Northbay Pelagic in Scotland, Sæby Fish Canners, Hirtshals Stevedore, and Lineage which operates the BIP centre, went exactly as planned. We began unloading at 0700 and completed the process by 1130, handling 370 tonnes of frozen fish, which is equivalent to 15 lorries. I assume that the CO₂ footprint for this shipment is significantly lower by sea compared to transportation via road from Scotland to Denmark.”

The fish were stored in the BIP Centre’s frozen facility for just a couple of days, as Sæby Fish Canners opted to collect the cargo quickly. The next shipment is expected to arrive later this year with approximately 500 tonnes of mackerel from Scotland for Danish processors, with the BIP Centre providing the essential link in the chain to make this possible.

“Lineage is proud to operate the BIP centre at the Port of Hirtshals, the designated entry point for all non-EU imports of fish and other frozen goods and the only facility on the Danish west coast able to handle large volumes of goods, while also accommodating containers,” said Lineage General Manager Morten Jensen, commenting that the Port of Hirtshals and the companies operating within it look forward to more shipments from across the North Sea.

“With our IFS Logistics certification, inspections by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, and exceptionally high standards, we ensure compliance in handling, strengthening import opportunities at the Port of Hirtshals.”

