Douglas Martin’s journey to sustainable solutions for Omega-3 and overfishing. Douglas Martin has always felt a deep connection to the ocean. Growing up in South Africa with Scottish parents, he […]
New study finds overfishing has halved shark and ray populations since 1970, causing widespread erosion of ecological function and exceptionally high extinction risk. A new analysis published in the journal […]
Stronger collaboration needed to tackle overfishing and to protect the marine environment – say leaders from industry, academia and NGOs. Stronger collaboration is needed to tackle the problem of overfishing, […]
Overfishing in the Mediterranean and Black Sea falls to lowest level in a decade. New FAO-GFCM report also includes for the first time data on the region’s marine aquaculture sector. […]
Overfishing linked to rapid evolution of cod. Rutgers-led genetic analysis of Atlantic cod also shows fish, if properly managed, may rebound and provide sustainable food source. The overfishing of codfish […]
MSC on a mission to end overfishing The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), an international non-profit on a mission to end overfishing by setting standards for sustainable fishing and supply chain assurance, has today […]
Overfishing falls in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, but fisheries resources remain under significant stress. New UN report highlights the need for stronger management measures. Overfishing in the Mediterranean and […]
Public art action to end overfishing in the Baltic. Photos will be available here on October 17th at 12:00 pm Video footage will be available on demand: please contact Valeska Diemel at +49 178 810 […]
EU fisheries ministers to proudly keep on overfishing in 2022 according to a joint statement from Our Fish and Seas At Risk. European Fisheries Ministers, gathered in Brussels to set […]
MSC calls for action on overfishing of pelagics in NE Atlantic. The MSC was present at the recent Arctic Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland, where they hosted a seminar on overfishing […]
Rousing musical demand to end Baltic overfishing. As EU fisheries ministers arrived for the AGRIFISH Council meeting early today in Luxembourg, they received a musical exhortation from a quartet of […]
EU fuel tax subsidies driving climate impacts & overfishing. The EU fishing fleet receives a tax break of between €759 million and €1.5 billion from fuel tax subsidies each year, […]
Financial think-tank launches tool to help investors reduce overfishing. Financial think tank Planet Tracker has launched an interactive dashboard to help investors identify how they could finance a recovery of […]
Hesitant Steps Towards Ending Overfishing but Nothing to Celebrate from EU, UK and Norway Negotiation says Our Fish and Client Earth More Robust Response Urgently Needed for Long Term Problems […]
Dutch fisheries chart a course to end overfishing – A majority of Dutch fisheries participate in the MSC Program. A new report on the country’s fisheries, “Stand in the Water […]
IPNLF call to reduce overfishing of Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna stock Despite the unusual circumstances imposed by COVID this year, progress on rebuilding the overfished Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna stock […]
Overfishing of the world’s major tuna stocks going down A five-year, $50-million Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded programme rolled out by FAO and partners has made remarkable progress in protecting international waters’ biodiversity […]
Guam reef fish hit by overfishing. A new assessment of 12 Guam reef fish species suggests that overfishing is likely occurring for four species, including the longface emperor. Others are in much […]
Seafood experts to set out practical steps to end overfishing. For the first time panellists at the Seafood Futures Forum will focus on accelerating change at scale as the 2020 and 2030 […]
Fish oil supplements market. The fish oil supplements market has gained significant traction over the past decade, driven by increasing consumer awareness of the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. […]