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Commercial Fishing



SFPA issues Information Notice on Sales Notes. The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority reminds commercial buyers of fishery products of legal obligations with relation to Sales Notes.

The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) recently published a Fisheries Information Notice (FIN) on Sales Notes for operators in the Seafood industry. This FIN addresses the key regulatory requirements for buyers in relation to sales notes completion and submission, including the information required on a sales note. The FIN can be accessed on the SFPA website under ‘Fishery Information Notices’ and ‘Marketing, Traceability and Sale of Fishery Products’. *

The buyer of first sale of sea-fisheries products is required to be registered and to submit a sales note for each first sale transaction. First sale fishery products are fishery products which are offered for sale for the first time. This includes fish below the minimum conservation reference size (MCRS) landed under the landing obligation.

The submission and accuracy of sales notes are the responsibility of the registered buyer. All fish buyers in Ireland must submit their sales notes electronically. Operators who wish to become a registered fish buyer are required to apply via the fishingnet.ie website.**

A registered fish buyer must:

·         Ensure fish is weighed prior to first sale and weigh records are maintained,

·         Complete and submit information on each sale in the form of a sales notes,

·         Complete and submit sales notes electronically for each transaction,

·         Ensure the sales note information is accurate,

·         Keep a record of each sale of fish for at least 3 years,

·         Make records available for inspection as requested,

·         Comply with requirements for the transport, weighing, labelling and traceability of fishery products.

First sale is considered to have taken place upon completion of the first transfer of ownership of the fisheries products to a buyer, following the transfer of the agreed sales price sum. If a registered buyer in Ireland has an annual turnover in first sales of fisheries products of €200,000 or more, then they must submit an electronic sales note within 24 hours of completion of the first sale. If they have an annual turnover in first sales of fisheries products of less than €200,000, then they must submit an electronic sales note within 48 hours of completion of the first sale.

For further information on this FIN, please email sfpafood@fisheriessupport@sfpa.ie

*The FIN can be accessed on the SFPA website and by following this link: FFSU-FC-FIN-OC-05-24 Sales Notes.

**All fish buyers in Ireland must submit their sales notes electronically. Operators who wish to become a registered fish buyer are required to apply via this link: http://www.fishingnet.ie/salesnotes/

