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Short course in fisheries and aquaculture

A short course in fisheries and aquaculture entitled ‘An Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture’ will be held at the University of Malta’s Department of Biology from October 23 to December 4.

Alarming headlines about the dire state of the world’s oceans have become common, and overfishing is known to be one of the most important threats facing the Mediterranean Sea. Aquaculture is sometimes hailed as a solution to the continued overexploitation of fish resources, but the fish farming industry faces many challenges and its public perception in Malta is often negative.

The short course in fisheries and aquaculture is aimed at students and members of the public interested in learning more about how the fishing and aquaculture industries operate, their impacts on the marine environment, how they can be monitored and managed, and current approaches to fisheries management in the Malta.

Lectures will be held on Tuesdays between 6 and 8pm, and practical sessions will be held on two Saturdays from 9am to 1pm.

For further information call James Fenech on 2340 2272 or e-mail james.fenech@um.edu.mt.
