Snow crab collapse due to ecological shift in the Bering Sea NA Fisheries scientists attribute the abrupt collapse of snow crab in Alaska to borealization, or an ecological shift from […]
Minimising Chum Salmon Bycatch . Statement from the Alaska Pollock Fishery Alliance on Recent Council Action to Minimise Chum Salmon Bycatch in the Bering Sea Pollock Fishery. The recent North […]
Marine heat waves trigger shift in hatch dates and early growth of Pacific cod. Marine heat waves appear to trigger earlier reproduction, high mortality in early life stages and fewer […]
New Restrictions on Bering Sea trawl fleet’s incidental take of halibut A federal fishery council vote last week could set the stage for future cuts of up to 35% in […]
Rock Sole in Alaska may do well in warmer sea. Northern rock sole stocks may benefit from warming in the Bering Sea, a new NOAA Fisheries study suggests. Scientists found […]
Bering Sea focus of new fisheries project. The Bering Sea is home to some of the USA’s largest and most profitable commercial fisheries, including Alaskan pollock and Pacific cod. It’s […]
Alaska’s Bering Sea focus of new science project. The Bering Sea is home to some of the USA’s largest and most profitable commercial fisheries, including Alaskan pollock and Pacific cod. […]