5 things you need to know about the Fisheries Bill. The Fisheries Bill introduced by the UK Government yesterday (29 January) is the first piece of primary fisheries legislation in […]
Sustainable fisheries enshrined in law as UK leaves the EU. Legal guarantee that the UK will leave the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) Bill creates powers to ensure profitable future for […]
UK firm cries foul as DEFRA awards UK Fisheries Vessel Monitoring contract to overseas company in opaque tender. French company will monitor French fishing vessels operating in UK waters. UK […]
Important milestone in the use of fishermen’s information. A report, recently published by ICES, marks an important milestone in the incorporation of information generated by the fishing industry itself into […]
Stronger protection for UK Waters. Independent panel calls for views on introduction of Highly Protected Marine Areas. The public are being asked to give their views on strengthening protections for […]
English fishing quota allocation. Developing a new approach for allocating additional fishing quota in England 7th October 2019 in TACs and Quotas. Defra have consulted on how any additional quota, […]
Cefas heads to South Africa to tackle ocean pollution. Experts from the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), part of the UK government’s Department for Environment Food and […]
Food exporters urged to get ready for animal health regulations. Importers and exporters of animals and animal products are being urged to prepare for Brexit on 31 October, as these […]
Brexit ready workshops. Businesses that trade or process seafood are being urged to attend a series of free workshops to help them prepare for Brexit. Workshops and training events to […]
Fishermen fury over protection of UK waters. Brexit supporting fishing group, Fishing for Leave, has lashed out at a leaked civil service email which claims Britain could not stop illegal […]
Food chief calls for UK national food strategy. The chief executive of the UK’s Food and Drink Federation, has welcomed the appointed of Theresa Villiers as the new cabinet minister […]
Limits on Pot Fishing – Restricting the amount of inshore potting for crab and lobster within marine protected areas (MPAs) can generate a “win-win” for both fishermen and the marine […]
Pot fishing limits win win for fishermen and marine life. The first major study into the impact of inshore potting for crab and lobster within a Marine Protected Area has […]
Changing the approach to IVMS implementation. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has announced it is changing the approach to the introduction of Inshore Vessel Monitoring Systems (I-VMS) for fishing vessels […]
NFFO Calls for a Rethink on Catch Reporting for under-10 metre vessels – The NFFO backs the need for improved catch reporting but says the Government’s proposed approach has not […]
Biggest survey of the UK’s Seafood processing sector begins – Seafish, the public body that supports the £10bn UK seafood industry, is taking a deep look in to the UK’s […]