2024 fishmeal production higher than in 2023 so far due to Peru’s strong anchovy seasons. In the first nine months of 2024, cumulative fishmeal production increased by almost 23% compared […]
Fishmeal production falls in 2023. IFFO (the marine ingredients organisation) preliminary estimate of the overall cumulative fishmeal production for the countries analysed in its reports is at around 1.738 million […]
Fishmeal production rises in first quarter. For the regions* for which IFFO (the marine ingredients organisation) regularly tracks production of marine ingredients, roughly worth 50% of the global output, IFFO […]
Fishmeal production rises. A taste of the many statistics and analyses that can be found in the market intelligence reports that IFFO, the marine ingredients organisation, dedicates to its members […]
Cumulative fishmeal production down in 2022. A taste of the many statistics and analyses that can be found in the market intelligence reports that IFFO (the marine ingredients organisation) dedicates […]
Fishmeal and fish oil production rise. The total cumulative productions of the countries considered in IFFO’s (the marine ingredients organisation) Market report from January to May 2021 were higher year […]
Fish groups collaborate to enhance sustainability in SE Asia. In 2017, IFFO, The Marine Ingredients Organisation, and GAA, The Global Aquaculture Alliance, commissioned a study on South East Asian fisheries […]