Wild weather for Icelandic fishing boat. The Icelandic fishing vessel Akurey has docked in Reykjavík after a five-day trip which started with a few hauls on the Reykjanesgrunn and ended […]
Icelandic Lemon Sole Achieves MSC Standard – The Icelandic fishery for Lemon sole (Microstomus kitt) has achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification as a sustainable and well-managed fishery. The fishery lands around […]
Icelandic salmon companies gain ASC certification. Arnarlax and Arctic Sea Farm have received ASC environmental certification for their production. The globally recognised Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is one of the strictest environmental certification […]
Upgrade for HB Grandi fishmeal facility In Vopnafjörður, Iceland, where work on the factory is progressing well . Three of the boilers are being replaced with new ones, with this […]
Sotra secures new chilling system. Norwegian salmon producer Sotra Fiskeindustri has invested in a SUB-CHILLING™ system from Iceland’s Skaginn 3Xd , the two companies revealed on Wednesday. With Skaginn 3X’s […]
Iceland Catch Values Rise over Last Year – The value of catch from Icelandic vessels in August 2018 was 11.9 billion ISK, nearly the same as in August 2017, according […]
Kampi ehf. buys new Tub Handling System from Skaginn 3X. The factory, located in Ísafjörður, Iceland recently signed a contract with Skaginn 3X for a Tub Handling System. The benefits […]
New vessels named for Icelandic German partnership – This was a big occasion in the history of Iceland based Samherji and Deutsche Fischfang Union (DFFU) when the two new fishing […]
Management measures agreed for 2019 – Agreement reached on blue whiting and Atlanto-Scandian herring last week, in London, delegations of the European Union, the Faroe Islands, Norway and Iceland, with […]