MSC promotes a big blue future in National Seafood Month. This October, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is honouring the many people working in MSC certified fisheries, and supply chain […]
MarinTrust formally accepts the NE Atlantic blue whiting FIP onto the MarinTrust Improver Programme. The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) – a collective of nearly 50 retailers and supply […]
Russian Western Bering Sea Pollock MSC certified. The Pollock Catchers Association (PCA) has gained Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for the Russian Western Bering Sea Pollock fishery. This comes after […]
MSC welcomes new ASC Feed Standard as incentive to drive progress in sustainable fishing. The Marine Stewardship Council welcomes the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) new Feed Standard, which requires wild […]
MSC audit success for Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation. The Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation (SSMO) has been successful in passing their annual Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification audit for their Brown […]
Mussels that grow from strength to strength. Shock waves rippled through the local community when the ArcelorMittal Saldanha steel mill in South Africa was closed in 2020. Citing severe financial […]
Norway cod and haddock certification status update. Inshore and offshore North East Arctic cod catch remains MSC certified until further notice and maximum 6 more months. Offshore North East Arctic […]
Rapid global growth in MSC certified sustainable tuna. Majority of commercial tuna stocks at healthy levels of abundance (65%) Nearly 50% of the global tuna catch is now engaged in the MSC programme 38% growth in volume of MSC labelled tuna products, projected to reach 100,000t It is increasingly possible for consumers around the world to choose sustainable tuna, new data published by the […]
Norway cod and herring certification status. Inshore and offshore North East Arctic cod catch remains MSC certified until 3 May Offshore North East Arctic haddock has a new MSC certification […]
Russian Pollock Plant is certified according to MSC standards. The Russian Pollock Plant, built by the Russian Fishery Company (RFC) in Primorsky Territory (Far East), received the certificate of compliance […]
StarKist achieves sustainability goal. USA seafood processor StarKist Co. has announced that it has achieved a goal to source 100% of its tuna and salmon from sustainable sources. All tuna […]
New Scottish project to reduce bycatch in prawn fishery. The fishing vessel Virtuous FR253 has begun a 12-month trial, in collaboration with Associated Seafoods Ltd (ASL), Marks & Spencer (M&S), Young’s Seafood […]
Dutch fisheries chart a course to end overfishing – A majority of Dutch fisheries participate in the MSC Program. A new report on the country’s fisheries, “Stand in the Water […]
Foundations are laid for a new Norwegian fisheries standard. A lot of work remains to be done before a new Norwegian sustainability standard (NRFM) can be adopted, reports an article […]
MSC addresses ongoing impact of Covid-19. As the world enters a second year of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) fishery and supply chain partners continue to […]
South African Hake Trawl Fishery celebrates fourth MSC certification. Supported by government, industry and market stakeholders, the SA hake trawl fishery’s MSC status places it amongst the best managed fisheries […]
MSC certification of eight Indonesian one-by-one tuna. IPNLF, the non-profit organisation that is committed to globally developing and supporting responsible one-by-one tuna fisheries and supply chains, together with its local […]
Australian NGO welcomes orange roughy decision. Moves by the fishing industry to get Australia’s orange roughy fishery certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) have failed in a […]
Portuguese retailer gains MSC and ASC certification. Continente, is the first retailer in Portugal to receive MSC and ASC certification for its fresh seafood counters. The MSC Chain of Custody […]
Cornish hake achieves MSC recertification amid rising demand within UK and Europe Cornish hake fishermen have many reasons to celebrate this week. Sales of the popular species are enjoying a resurgence, with growing demand for sustainable hake in the UK and across Europe, while the […]