Nofima tested microalgae in feed for salmon. When Nofima researches sustainable feed for salmon, the process involves everything from when a new ingredient is delivered to the feed technology centre, to […]
Salmon secrete substances that attract sea lice. New research has enhanced our understanding of why sea lice are predominantly attracted to salmon. The study investigates the chemicals released by Atlantic salmon […]
Norwegian fish sauce: A new taste experience from the sea. Nofima scientists have developed methods to produce high-quality fish sauce from pelagic fish such as blue whiting and herring residual raw […]
Lighting up marine organisms. Animals that are experiencing physical damage or early signs of stress can be visually identified using excitation light that induces fluorescence, research at Nofima shows. There […]
Catch Welfare Platform to host second annual conference on fish welfare and sustainability, online on November 14-15, 2024, building on the success of last year’s inaugural event in Bergen, Norway. […]
Deep-sea mesopelagic fish offer health benefits. Researchers at Nofima, in collaboration with other European research institutions in Ireland and Spain, have made new discoveries in the exploration of deep-sea fish. The […]
What is required for successful smolt production in the future? Good smolt is the key to successful salmon farming. Should it grow big on land to perform better in the […]
New findings on salmon’s response to hydrogen sulphide in land-based fish farms. Researchers from Nofima and international collaborators have made important discoveries about how Atlantic salmon react to prolonged exposure to […]
The status of fillet colour in Norwegian farmed salmon. Nofima has mapped the status of and what could pose pigmentation challenges in salmon fillets among Norwegian fish farmers. According to Nofima […]
Can emotions influence the consumption of seafood? Price is important, and so is access to great recipes. Role models and inspiration also play key roles, but what about seafood and […]
Dreaded ‘man o’ wars’ can be used in valuable cosmetic products. The ‘Portuguese man o’ war’ jellyfish cause panic and alarm, and an encounter can be extremely painful. But now these […]
New cod product with reduced climate footprint. When the cod is packaged in Vesterålen in new packaging, it saves the climate. New products reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per […]
Does the fresh fish scheme work? Does the quota bonus scheme help extend the cod season throughout the year? On commission from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Nofima has […]
New water instrument to ensure clipfish quality. Quality clipfish and producers will be properly paid. The new water measuring instrument that Jens Petter Wold and his colleagues have invented will ensure […]
Aquaculture to save the seabed. Sea urchin farming can save kelp forests, while also creating high value products in Norway. Sea urchins on the seabed eat a lot of kelp […]
Long-chain marine fatty acids benefit health New research findings indicate that the body can also benefit from very long-chain marine fatty acids when they are ingested through the diet. Previously, […]
Scientists make guide for assessing gene editing. It all started with finding a solution to prevent salmon lice infection and harm. The cooperation between scientists from a range of different […]
Huge breeding potential in microalgae. Scientists have now shown that microalgae can grow faster and form more omega-3 if bred. This makes them even more interesting as a feed ingredient. At […]