High and low tide cause low and high methane fluxes. Methane, a strong greenhouse gas that naturally escapes from the bottom of the North Sea, is affected by the pressure […]
Herring arrives earlier in the Wadden Sea due to climate change. Due to the changing climate, young herring arrive in the Wadden Sea earlier and earlier in spring. That is […]
Unexpected biodiversity on the ocean floor. Hydrothermal vents and manganese nodule fields in the deep oceans contain more biodiversity than expected. That is shown by the thesis that NIOZ-marine biologist […]
A crab is never just a crab. A herring in the North Sea, a crab in the Wadden Sea or an anemone fish on a coral reef, … biologists like […]
Salt marshes protect the coast – but not where it is needed most. Salt marshes provide multiple ecosystem services, one of those is protection of the coast against flooding. This […]