Science to support Scottish salmon recovery. Six decades of ecological monitoring on a stream close to King Charles’ Deeside home is providing the science needed for the fight to preserve […]
Atlantic Salmon Trust leads Salmon School on its journey to Macallan. The Atlantic Salmon Trust, a founding member of the Missing Salmon Alliance, has recently embarked on a collaborative artistic […]
New fund goes live to help save Scotland’s king of fish. A new fund will open for applications tomorrow (WED) to help save Scotland’s iconic wild salmon. Salmon Scotland’s ‘wild […]
New research finds that water crowfoot benefits young salmon. More, bigger, better salmon: GWCT research reveals the benefits of classic chalk river plant. New research has found that water crowfoot […]
Wild salmon protection zones and sea lice thresholds proposed for Scotland. Protecting Scotland’s wild Atlantic salmon is a ‘national priority’, said SEPA – Scotland’s environmental watchdog, launching a consultation recently […]
Scottish Government responds to Salmon Interactions Working Group report. Funding of more than £650,000 will extend the salmon counter network as part of a package of measures to support salmon […]
A good year for young salmon gives hope on the River Frome. The number of young salmon leaving Dorset’s River Frome this year to start their marine journey was the […]