Blue whiting season gradually winds down. As expected, there was a modest quantity of blue whiting caught by the Norwegian fleet, with 12,000 tonnes in the record, reports pelagic organisation, […]
Exposure to magnetic fields from subsea cables slows down haddock larvae, study finds. Haddock larvae swam more slowly after being exposed in the laboratory to magnetic fields similar to those […]
Sandeel larvae undisturbed by magnetic fields from subsea cables, study finds As the offshore wind industry is rapidly expanding, there is concern that magnetic fields produced by subsea cables could […]
Norwegian sandeel fishery comes to an end. The Norwegian sandeel fishery has come to an end and bad weather has caused difficulties for the mackerel fleet in the North, reports […]
Norwegian seasonal sandeel fishery nears end. The Norwegian sandeel fishery is coming to an end and we ended the week with 14.900 MT registered catches, reports reports Norges Sildesalgslag (a […]
Norwegian sandeel fishery still going strong. The sandeel fishery is still good, and a Faroe vessel delivered a record breaking catch this week with blue whiting, reports reports Norges […]
Great Week For Sandeel Fishery – A total of 22,800 MT of sandeel was registered as caught last week, divided on 23 catches, reports Norges Sildesalgslag (a Norwegian Fishermen’s Sales […]
Norwegian sandeel fishery begins. With the Norwegian blue whiting fishery now coming to an end, the sandeel fishery begins, reports Norges Sildesalgslag (a Norwegian Fishermen’s Sales Organisation for Pelagic Fish). […]