Seafood companies, governments, and NGOs support ‘Seabird-Safe Fishing Toolkit.’ Action and momentum is building across the Asia-Pacific tuna industry to reduce capture of threatened albatrosses and other seabirds in longline […]
Thai Union CEO appointed Chair of the Board of Directors of SeaBOS. Thai Union Group PCL CEO Thiraphong Chansiri has been appointed Chair of the Board of Directors of the […]
Seafood companies join forces calling for more effective safety initiatives. Fishing is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world and improving fisher safety is of critical importance to […]
SeaBOS launches progress report. Recently, at the UN Ocean Conference in Portugal, SeaBOS launched its first progress report, following commitments made at the 2017 UN Ocean Conference Setting out to […]
Nutreco and Skretting publish new responsible sourcing policy. Nutreco and Skretting have published a new responsible sourcing policy, which is a practical guide to decide on the type of marine […]
New Director of Strategy for SeaBOS. After seven years in Cermaq, Wenche Grønbrekk is now taking on a larger responsibility for ocean stewardship, joining SeaBOS as Director of Strategy, Partnerships, […]
Thai Union joins coastal clean-up programme. Global seafood giant Thai Union Group PCL joined an international coastal clean-up programme to help protect the environment in Samut Sakhon province of Thailand […]
SeaBos members ramp up efforts to transform the seafood sector. Supplied by Amod Ashok Salgaonkar SeaBOS members agreed during its annual CEO meeting to continue activities designed to eliminate Illegal, […]
SeaBOS speeds up action for sustainable seafood. SeaBOS advanced in concerted drive for changes in the global seafood sector when CEOs from ten of the largest seafood companies in the […]
Climate proofing aquatic food systems. Cermaq joins FAO in engaging the private sector in climate proofing aquatic food systems. In the run up to COP 26, Cermaq joins UN’s Food […]
Global Compact report strengthens the role of seafood for successful ocean stewardship. When UN Global Compact is taking stock on the 5 tipping points for ocean stewardship, Cermaq highlight that […]
GSI sustainability report launched today. Cermaq, being an active partner in the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI), proudly shares the GSI press release on the launch of the sustainability report. The […]
Nowhere to land, nowhere to sell. Seafood sector giants focus action on closing ports and supply chains to illegal fishing. Five of the most influential industry and multi-stakeholder platforms in […]
SeaBOS commits to time-bound goals for a healthy ocean. For the first time in the history of seafood production, ten of the largest seafood companies in the world have committed […]
Seafood giant calls for more action on climate change. Thai Union Group PCL’s Global Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, Dr. Darian McBain, called for greater action on climate change, […]
First South Korean fishery achieves MSC. The first South Korean-owned fishery has achieved certification to the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) international standard for sustainable fishing. The certification applies to free […]
Thai seafood companies modern slavery pledge. Thai Union Group PCL and Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL (CPF) have issued a joint statement on tackling modern slavery to ensure their supply chains […]
Ocean Disclosure calls for seafood industry transparency. The Ocean Disclosure Project (ODP) has written to 115 seafood-buying companies across the globe asking them to publicly disclose the list of wild-capture […]
SeaBOS and GDST join forces for seafood traceability. The Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS) and the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) are joining forces in support of seafood […]